Taupo & Turangi Herald



Thumbs up

■ Thumbs up to the lovely gentleman who really made my day at Countdown supermarke­t. I had the pleasure of serving him, and after some friendly conversati­on, he left, then came back about 15 minutes later and he had bought me a bunch of Lilly’s.

His kindness, brought a tear to my eye!

So thank you again, and yes, hopefully my hubby will follow your lead, at least yearly, if not monthly.

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down

■ Thumbs up to the Lake Taupō Woodworker­s Guild who make wig stands for our Taupō Cancer Support Group to distribute to people on their journey.

■ Thank you to the team at Taupō Funeral Services Ltd for hosting a splendid high tea supper, along with the planting of a memorial tree for Queen Elizabeth and the televised big screen viewing of her funeral service.

A very special, memorable evening indeed.

Thumbs down

■ Thumbs down to the damage to the northern end of Te Kopua Reserve. This is the third time this area of th0e reserve has been bulldozed and trees cut down. The original pretty boxed step track to the upper area has not been restored as agreed after the second incident. This area was once a beautiful show garden, and though natives have been planted, access to the upper area remains difficult. What was once an attractive area is now a mess

■ Email your thumbs up/thumbs down to news@ tau po turangi herald, message Taupō & Tū rangi Herald on Facebook or drop them into our office upstairs at 4 Starlight Arcade, Taupō . Thumbs up/thumbs down may be edited or abridged. Personal attacks or thumbs down that refer to easily identifiab­le people, businesses or groups won’t be published.

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