Taupo & Turangi Herald

The world of espionage

- Jill Nicholas

Dr B.

By Daniel Birnbaum, HarperColl­ins, $29.99

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.. .. Birnbaum is the former director of the Museum of Modern Art in Stockholm. This, his debut book, is a war-time spy thriller with a difference.

The central character, Immanuel Birnbaum, the Dr B. of the title, is an evocation of the author's grandfathe­r.

Like a number of other Scandinavi­an writers who have emerged in the past decade Birnbaum has proved himself an accomplish­ed story teller.

The plot opens in 1933 with Hitler hungry for power.

Dr B. is a German-Jewish journalist based in Warsaw who is banned from writing in his homeland. As Poland moves closer to Nazi invasion, he escapes to Sweden where he writes for a liberal Swiss publicatio­n under the Dr B. beeline.

The story ramps up as he becomes entangled with British intelligen­ce. In what could be a lift from Enid Blyton a letter written in secret ink comes to light. But this isn't the sort of letter a child of the Enid Blyton era would write.

Was Dr B. its author?

That's but one of the ongoing posers the storyline hangs on. Complex in parts it's not always a rapid page turner. But let us remember the world of espionage isn't necessaril­y a fastpaced place. —

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