Taupo & Turangi Herald

Eyes on the road for a safe, enjoyable summer

- Senior Sergeant Andy Livingston­e

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, road safety has been a top policing issue over the last two weeks.

Unfortunat­ely, just last Thursday night, we had a fatal accident just north of Tū rangi which is being investigat­ed. One other person sustained moderate injuries in the head-on collision between two trucks. Inattentio­n can have tragic consequenc­es at any time, but it’s particular­ly dangerous given the current roading situation, with the massive increase in logging trucks around the Motouapa stretch of State Highway 1 due to continued clean-up efforts following Cyclone-Gabrielle.

Busy roads will remain that way heading into the summer with people moving around more. The usual safety rules apply; keep a safe following distance, stay left and pay attention to the road. These are simple strategies that save lives.

We continue to see a high number of people using their phones while driving, but no call is so urgent that you can’t take the time to pull over.

Remember that there are other road users beyond cars and trucks there will be an increase in the number of cyclists training in the area in the lead-up to this Saturday’s Lake Taupō Cycle Challenge.

We recovered several stolen vehicles over the weekend. Make sure your car is secure in all the usual ways- think about using a steering wheel lock and parking your car off the street when possible.

There were also several disorder events over the weekend around Taupō ‘s bars. Keep track of what you and your friends are drinking, have a plan before you go out.

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