Taupo & Turangi Herald


What is new on the market

- Writes Kem Ormond

It is coming up 10 years since I designed and had my new kitchen built. I was lucky as I was building a new home so had a blank canvas to play with. This is not always the case. Some people can completely replace their old existing kitchen with a new one, but what can you do if you can’t afford to do that, and you are on a restricted budget.

There are a few changes that you can make that will make such a difference and can also add value to your home.

Be prepared and organised

Having a new kitchen installed, whether large or small or giving your kitchen a facelift, you need to be organised and do your homework. This is not going to happen overnight, and you do need to have a good look around to what is available out there, visit some kitchen suppliers, show homes and even friends who have recently built!

The scrap book vs the spreadshee­t

Whether you are doing a complete renovation or just a modernisat­ion, a scrap book is handy to show your builder or architect and a spreadshee­t is a good starting point when working out costs.

This way you can show your builder that you want this tapware, these knobs, this pattern on the drawers, walls and tiles this colour, butler sinks this shape, and granite benchtops. By keeping a spreadshee­t, you can work out an idea of costs for appliances and the like.

I can’t afford a new kitchen

There are changes you can make to a kitchen to give it a fresh appearance, plus make it work better in terms of layout and cleanlines­s.

There are businesses that will replace cupboard fronts, this is well worth looking into as this can instantly change the look of your kitchen. Getting a cost for bench replacemen­ts and tapware is another idea.

Replacing tiles, adding a splash back, new appliances, flooring and changing the wall colours all can be done in steps. More modern and brighter lighting can make a huge improvemen­t and the one thing to remember is making sure you have more electrical points installed . . . you can never have too many.

Another idea is to add some of the clever space saving cupboard fittings now available. Maybe you have room for an island to be added or shelves on the wall, a more modern range hood and a fresh modern colour palette throughout will add the finishing touch.

Look out for appliance sales and throw out or donate your old jug and toaster and add some colour to your bench with some new modern ones.


Think carefully about your choices and will they work with how you live. For instance, I have seen black tapware looking pristine in a home, but I also have seen it needing to be replaced after just a few years because of how the family lived.

Flooring that may have looked gorgeous in the showroom, but may not stand the harsh punishment given to it by your dog.

All these decisions need to be carefully thought out, so take your time, do your homework and the result will be your dream kitchen . . . or something close to it!

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