Te Awamutu Courier

Kiwis challenged to go meat free for a week


Bowel Cancer New Zealand invites you to take part in the seven-day meat free challenge from Monday and discover how easy it is to make little changes that can create a big difference.

They say going meat free for one week is a great opportunit­y to start thinking about how much meat you eat and the impact eating too much meat can have on your bowel health.

“We are challengin­g all New Zealanders to a week without meat to help reduce their risk of bowel cancer and raise funds for a worthwhile cause.”

Meat Free Week is now a global initiative and through this collaborat­ion, you’ll get access to a dedicated website, with recipes to try and resources to use.

Meat Free Monday founders Paul, Mary and Stella McCartney say taking part in Meat Free Week is a fun and easy way to have a positive impact on the planet and on our health. Studies show bowel cancer risk increases by 12 per cent per 100g of red meat consumed per day and by 16 per cent per 50g of processed meat consumed per day.

Bowel Cancer New Zealand (BCNZ) general manager Rebekah Heal says Meat Free Week gives people the perfect opportunit­y to include more plant-based foods in their meals, such as fruits, veges and grains, and to see if a meat-reduced diet is for them — whether it’s just for one week a year or they get inspired and carry it on for one day a week.

All funds raised will aid the work of BCNZ.

To take up the challenge visit beatbowelc­ancer.org.nz

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