Te Awamutu Courier

Shaw racks up win after long absence


Ray Shaw made up for lost time, racking up 45 points to win the junior stableford scramble at Pirongia Golf Club.

The club stalwart came out of hibernatio­n with a rush on Sunday, excelling in his first appearance on the course since March.

On a day of hot scoring by those in the junior division, Kevin Nickson accumulate­d 43 points, Jack Hjorth 42, Paul Davie, Hans Nieremeije­r 41, Jim Dunn 39, Denise Goile 38, Charlie Coles 36.

Gary Russo maintained his good form winning the senior scramble with 41 points from Steve Law on 39, John McCormick, Bill Fox, Brent Keene 38, Derek Boyle, Matt Carson 37.

Scott Law struck the jackpot with a brace of twos. Twos were also scored by Jack Hjorth, Derek Boyle, Brent Keene. Longest putt went to John McCormick

First round Pitchford Trophy matches were played out in conjunctio­n with the scramble.

Rob Taylor and Brent Keene comfortabl­y beat Scott Law and Ben Vincent 4 and 2. They will meet Charlie Coles and John McCormick in the semi-final after Coles and McCormick took care of Kevin Nickson and Dave Lamb.

The other semifinal will see Phillip Eyre and Paul Davie meet Derek Boyle and Hans Nieremeije­r. Eyre and Davie beat Gary Bowman and Tyne Watts, while Boyle and Nieremeije­r beat Barry Cavey and Terry Charleswor­th.

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