Te Awamutu Courier

Cameras for bar safety


Live images from three new cameras will help boaties make better decisions before attempting to cross dangerous bars, according to Waikato Regional Council.

The three bar cameras have been installed by the council at Port Waikato, Raglan and Ka¯ whia.

There has already been a live feed available for Tairua.

“Crossing a bar is a high risk activity for even the most experience­d boatie,” said the council’s maritime services team leader Richard Barnett.

“A responsibl­e skipper is well prepared and makes informed decisions before heading out.

“Around New Zealand, there have been a number of deaths in recent years caused when boaties have attempted to cross dangerous bars at the mouths of our harbours.

“There are many causes, but one of them is a lack of informatio­n about the conditions of the bar before setting out,” Richard said.

“So the council’s harbourmas­ters carried out safety audits for Port Waikato and Raglan harbours, and consulted with key stakeholde­rs including Waiuku Coastguard, Raglan Coastguard, Counties Fishing Club, Raglan Sport fishing club and Waikato Sport fishing Club.

“It was unanimousl­y agreed that bar cameras would help the public assess and make a better informed decisions before attempting a bar crossing.”

The project, which has cost $17,500, was made possible through the help of the

Waikato Regional Council Innovation Fund and Vodafone.

The cameras are independen­tly powered by a solar battery and send out a refreshed image every minute via the Vodafone Wireless Network.

Richard said the cameras will also aid in the rescue of any capsized boat by providing up-to-date real-time positions of where the vessel and its occupants are.

“This will reduce the search time in potentiall­y dangerous conditions.” In the case of Raglan, which has jet skis as rescue vessels, the cameras can help responders decide which unit is best to use.

The availabili­ty of the live feeds come just before Labour Weekend, and as Safer Boating Week begins.

Important bar crossing safety guidelines:

Check the weather within 12 hours of your boating trip.

Check the tide — always avoid low tide. Talk to a local about the bar conditions. Tie down any loose objects, such as the anchor and ropes.

Everyone must wear a lifejacket. Contact Coastguard on VHF immediatel­y before you cross and when you’ve successful­ly completed your crossing.

Avoid ebb or falling tides.

Always go out with an experience­d skipper prior to attempting the crossing yourself.

If in doubt, don’t go out.

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■ Video images are at waikatoreg­ion.govt.nz/ safe-bar-crossings

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