Te Awamutu Courier

Performing arts shoutout


Many thanks to Dean Taylor and the Te Awamutu Courier for their continued support of the Te Awamutu Society of the Performing Arts.

We have just completed our 71st festival, and we appreciate your reporting. It is of value in raising our profile and informing the wider community of what we are up to and our results.

Our annual festival provides the opportunit­y for individual­s to perform and receive feedback from a profession­al adjudicato­r in one or more of six sections of performing arts: Instrument­al, Pianoforte, Vocal, Dance (ballet, tap, jazz/modern), Speech/Drama and Highland Dance.

Throughout our journey, we have been helped enormously by the community.

Local volunteers continue to put up their hands to help make each of our events a success, and community individual­s, businesses, and organisati­ons have been generous with their financial support enabling us to offer substantia­l prizes. For this we thank them.

Competitio­ns survived Covid and only had to cancel the 2020 festival, however, as we move forward, we are being challenged.

Our Instrument­al section did not take place this year for lack of a convenor. Pianoforte also did not run due to under-subscripti­on.

Going forward, the convenors for the successful Vocal Section are retiring after nine years so are in search of successors.

The Te Awamutu Festival needs revitalisa­tion if it is to continue. We would love to hear from anyone who is interested and willing to pick up the challenge. Please email vocal. compsta@gmail.com

Murray Flay, Martha Ash, Beatrice Hofer, Brian and Glenda Barclay, Jodie Oberlin-Brown, Johanna Blackman, Lyn McCorquind­ale Competitio­ns Committee

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