Te Awamutu Courier

Breanna shines for Te Awamutu College

Talented young people on display at college’s prizegivin­g

- Dean Taylor

Friday morning’s Te Awamutu College Senior Prizegivin­g at ASB Stadium Te Awamutu once again highlighte­d the wealth of talented young people in the region and the dedication of everyone involved with Te Awamutu College to ensure students reach their full potential.

One of the ‘stars of the show’ was Breanna Doig - a multiple award winner across academia, service and sport.

Breanna Doig was runner-up to the Dux, receiving the Mexted Cup for Proxime Accessit, and was awarded the General Excellence Cup on top of an AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarshi­p of $24,000, a Sports Excellence Badge, Lambeth Trophy -

Senior Girls Swimming Champion, Henderson Trophy - Best All Round Swimmer, KF Miller Cup - First in Subject Biology and George Waring Cup for Excellence in Mathematic­s with Calculus.

Breanna says it capped a great five years at Te Awamutu College and she is grateful for everything the school has done for her. She also gives credit to her teachers from Kōrakonui School and Te Awamutu Intermedia­te.

Next year she heads to AUT to undertake a Bachelor of Health Science majoring in paramedici­ne.

Breanna says her goal is to be a St John paramedic - a dream since Year 9 when Te Awamutu College hosted a workshop with healthcare workers from all fields. She was attracted to the paramedics.

Breanna says she is keen to help people and would like to do extra training to become an intensive care paramedic.

She also likes to stay fit and active and enjoys sports, so she thinks she’ll be up to the task.

Principal Tony Membery said in his address it had been a hugely successful 2023 for Te Awamutu College, highlighti­ng a number of events and activities that took place on top of the everyday teaching and learning.

He said the board of trustees and senior management would be working on the charter and strategic plan and welcomes feedback from the community as part of the consultati­on.

Membery said the consultati­on ties in with the stated goal in the charter of fostering partnershi­ps and relationsh­ips between the school, parents/ caregivers and wider community.

“Part of this is also our ‘open door policy’ which I believe is real and happening,” he said.

“We love to receive good news and appreciati­on for all that the good that happens but are also receptive to listening to areas of concern or how we can improve.

“Call me old-fashioned but I believe you do this directly to the relevant person whether that be the teacher, form teacher, deans, nurse, student centre or senior leadership.”

He said the school was also preparing for the revised NCEA Level 1 next year.

Membery thanked the board, teachers, parents and caregivers for their work throughout the year, and especially the students for making it a success.

He encouraged students to give the exams their best efforts and to all students who receive certificat­es and awards to be proud of their accomplish­ments.

“You have excelled.”

One of his tasks was to announce head students for 2024.

He said it had been a hard choice, with many fine and worthy applicants.

Head students for 2024 are: Sienna Sanders, Ave´ Culpan, Ruben Kasper and Xavier Scott.

 ?? Photo / Dean Taylor ?? Breanna Doig with her impressive haul of awards: Mexted Cup for Proxime Accessit, General Excellence Cup, AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarshi­p ($24,000), Sports Excellence Badge, Lambeth Trophy - Senior Girls Swimming Champion, Henderson Trophy - Best All Round Swimmer, KF Miller Cup - First in Subject Biology, George Waring Cup for Excellence in Mathematic­swith Calculus.
Photo / Dean Taylor Breanna Doig with her impressive haul of awards: Mexted Cup for Proxime Accessit, General Excellence Cup, AUT Welcome to Auckland Scholarshi­p ($24,000), Sports Excellence Badge, Lambeth Trophy - Senior Girls Swimming Champion, Henderson Trophy - Best All Round Swimmer, KF Miller Cup - First in Subject Biology, George Waring Cup for Excellence in Mathematic­swith Calculus.
 ?? Photo / Dean Taylor ?? Te Awamutu College Kapa Haka perform to welcome the senior prizegivin­g official party.
Photo / Dean Taylor Te Awamutu College Kapa Haka perform to welcome the senior prizegivin­g official party.
 ?? Photo / Dean Taylor ?? Te Awamutu College principal reported on an excellent year, despite some challenges and negative social media.
Photo / Dean Taylor Te Awamutu College principal reported on an excellent year, despite some challenges and negative social media.

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