Te Awamutu Courier

Rural Riders initiative gains traction

A healthy distractio­n offers a chance to vent, writes

- Claire Inkson. — Rural Guardian

Rural Riders, a mountain biking initiative aimed at getting farmers offfarm, is entering its second year and is set to kick off again for summer.

Rural Riders chairperso­n Hamish Clausen says the initiative is gaining traction, complement­ing Surfing for Farmers, which operates in coastal regions nationwide.

“A lot of people don’t have surfboards or access to the beach, but they do have bikes,” Clausen says.

Originatin­g in Taupo in 2021, Rural Riders now has groups with facilitato­rs across the country.

All that is required is a bike and a helmet, and if you don’t have access to a bike, Rural Riders can often hire one for you.

“We have people showing up with their whole family; our youngest kids would be 6, 7or 8 years old.”

Riders can follow the main group or choose another track more suited to their experience level.

Riders then meet up at the end of the session for a barbecue and a chance to connect.

While the initiative is not directly aimed at improving mental health and wellbeing,

Clausen says the benefits are obvious.

“Just being out there and being able to vent and talk to like-minded people does so much for the brain,” he said.

Alexandra facilitato­r Latoya Grant said the turnout at last year’s rides was good considerin­g the initiative was in its first year and expects numbers to continue to grow.

Grant became involved with Rural Riders after seeing the pressure farmers were under daily in her role as a fertiliser rep.

The concentrat­ion required for physical activity provides people with a healthy distractio­n from the stress they may be facing on their farm or in their home life.

“Getting people off the farm changes their perspectiv­e, especially if they are doing something completely different and not thinking or talking about farming.

“Biking and surfing are a classic example: You have to focus on what you are doing in that moment, or it can end badly.”

 ?? ?? Rural Riders has riding meetings throughout the country.
Rural Riders has riding meetings throughout the country.

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