Te Awamutu Courier

MP returns to her VW roots

From Beetle to the ID.4 Pro all-electric, but both have their stories, writes Dean Taylor


In her life before politics, Taranaki-King Country National MP Barbara Kuriger owned a Volkswagen Beetle, which she drove everywhere.

Kuriger added 300,000km to the odometer before selling the little car.

We all know the backstory to the Beetle — a practical, small, simple and economical car for the masses.

Kuriger purchased her Beetle from W.R. Phillips in New Plymouth and, as far as she knows, it is still on the road in Taranaki.

She returned to the establishe­d Taranaki family-owned dealership for her new VW — the ID.4 Pro allelectri­c small SUV that was voted World Car of the Year in 2021.

VW also has the ID.5, which is built on the same platform, with the same specificat­ions, but has a sportier styling and is marginally more expensive.

Kuriger’s ID.4 is poles apart from the Beetle.

There is also a new backstory to our MP’s new car.

Her electorate is geographic­ally large — 263km end to end — so it can be quite a drive to get around.

She and her husband, Louis, keep a townhouse in New Plymouth as home and a unit in Te Awamutu as their other home for when she is working at this end of the electorate. Driving is often a better option than flying for work.

Kuriger has been keeping an eye on the electric vehicle market and public charging network for some time, with a “back-of-themind” idea that she would be able to consider going EV when there was a suitable car with a 500km range.

She was also mindful that the public charging network would have to be her friend because she doesn’t envisage adding the expense of home fast chargers to both properties.

“I’m not worried about the trip up SH3, it is getting to the more remote locations in the electorate I have to plan for,” she says.

“Everything came together this year for a new start.

“I’m going to be part of a new government, the new VW ID.4 became available and has a range of over 500km and more public chargers have been installed around the electorate.”

Kuriger believes electric vehicles are part of the solution to

reducing the emissions of New Zealand’s vehicle fleet, but are not the only answer.

She recognises they can be out of reach for some people and aren’t always practical.

But she is also prepared to test the VW ID.4 for her needs.

It wasn’t an easy decision to make, being in the Kuriger family.

When she first told me her line was “Dean, I have gone to the dark side.”

I knew immediatel­y that meant she had bought an EV. I have driven a few, including the little brother to her car, an imported VW ID.3, and I think it makes sense.

But it is also fair to say there are a few petrolhead­s in the extended Kuriger family, including half her household, and she admits she enjoys motorsport and appreciate­s specialist cars.

And, she points out, when we are at home the ID.4 will be parked next to a supercharg­ed V8.

As well as the range, Kuriger was attracted to the ID.4s practicali­ty — enough room to carry luggage (almost always), people (occasional­ly) and easy to park and manoeuvre around the towns and villages in her electorate.

She is looking forward to testing its capabiliti­es and range, hoping the latter won’t be an issue.

“I have been assured that if I’m the sort of person that never runs my petrol vehicle short of fuel, I will be the same with electricit­y,” she says.

“In other words, I’ll be keeping an eye on the range and taking the opportunit­y to top up whenever possible — in case.”

Kuriger says if that means planning her coffee stops more carefully, that is fine.

“I already like to stop for a coffee and take a break from driving, so it isn’t an issue.”

She can also get an extra 100km range from an overnight charge from a standard house supply, so she thinks she will be fine.

She is also looking forward to “learning” how to drive an EV.

“It has regenerati­ve braking, which means I can have the car set to slow down as if I am braking when I ease off the accelerato­r,” she says.

“It is a style that I’ll have to get used to, but it also helps charge the battery, so it will be a good habit.”

Louis often drives her as well, so she is keen to see if they achieve different mileage results from their driving styles.

“Louis doesn’t actually like using the brakes when he drives, so he’ll probably be better at the EV driving technique than me.”

 ?? ?? MP Barbara Kuriger’s electorate is geographic­ally large — 263km end to end — so it can be quite a drive to get around.
MP Barbara Kuriger’s electorate is geographic­ally large — 263km end to end — so it can be quite a drive to get around.
 ?? ?? Taranaki-King Country MP Barbara Kuriger with her fully electric VW ID.4.
Taranaki-King Country MP Barbara Kuriger with her fully electric VW ID.4.
 ?? ?? Volkswagen ID.4 interior.
Volkswagen ID.4 interior.

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