Te Awamutu Courier

Don’t get caught with worms you can’t kill


Failing to plan may result in farmers getting caught with stock suffering from parasite infections they cannot treat. That is the message from Beef+Lamb New Zealand’s Wormwise programme as farmers look ahead to the management of lambs and calves for the summer and beyond.

“Don’t get caught with worms you can’t kill,” said Wormwise programme manager Ginny Dodunski.

She said supply of the so-called “novel” drenches, Zolvix and Startect, is likely to remain constraine­d this season.

“Last autumn, I received calls from vets and farmers with sick lambs suffering from triple-drench-resistant parasites, and nothing to treat them with. By the time these farmers realised they had worms that could survive a triple drench, the lambs were actually very sick. Even once you treat them with a different drench family, they take a long time to turn around.”

There are also dairy support blocks and dairy beef rearing properties where tripledren­ch-resistant worms have developed.

Zolvix contains the active ingedient monepantel, and Startect contains derquantel. Both have been available for about 12 years, but have generally been reserved for special treatments such as quarantine drenching, knockout drenching and on farms where combinatio­n resistance has already been diagnosed. Both products are registered for sheep. Only Zolvix can be used in cattle.

On the average farm, these products should be highly effective at removing resistant parasites.

However, the manufactur­ers of both products advise that due to manufactur­ing issues, they are unlikely to be able to meet market demand this autumn. Both are constraine­d by the manufactur­ing plants that make their active ingredient.

“A farmer who has not been doing any monitoring and suddenly finds they have sick and dying lambs with combinatio­nresistant worms in autumn 2024 may find that there is nothing available to treat those lambs with,” Dodunski said.

The best thing farmers can do is to check the performanc­e of their drenches now.

“Collect 10 fresh faecal samples from lambs or calves after drenching — 7 to 10 days later for lambs and 14 days for calves. Options for testing are your local vet clinic or FecPak, and there are some private providers out there too ...

“If your drench is working well, there should be no eggs present after drenching. If eggs are still present, it’s time to start some conversati­ons about where to from here. It’s not just about what product to use next time — how many young stock should you be trying to finish? What’s the best feeding and management for those — are there ways of allocating feed or organising rotations that reduce the worm challenge? Are ewes or other breeding stock as well set up as they could be, and would it be a better use of feed to get them sorted before it gets dry?”

Wormwise is a pan-industry collaborat­ive effort, funded and run by Beef + Lamb New Zealand with input from the NZVA, APHANZ, DairyNZ and MPI to give farmers tools and skills to fight parasite resistance on their property.

 ?? ?? Wormwise programme manager Ginny Dodunski says it’s easier to act early than to deal with resistant worms later in the season.
Wormwise programme manager Ginny Dodunski says it’s easier to act early than to deal with resistant worms later in the season.

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