Te Awamutu Courier

Don’t let school bags be too heavy

Writes Kem Ormond


Ihave watched new entrants proudly matching off to their first day of school with these huge backpacks, complete with a small fluffy creature attached for easy identifica­tion. Those backpacks look so huge compared to that small body that has it attached to their back.

Think of their backs

Make sure your child’s backpack weighs no more than 10 percent of his or her body weight. A heavier backpack will cause your child to bend forward trying to support the weight on his or her back, rather than on the shoulders, by the straps. Wide, padded straps are very important.

Plus, when they are full of books and containers, water bottle and favourite toy for show and tell, surely it must make the child feel off balance. . . I feel off balance even thinking about it!

Encourage your children not to wear a backpack just over one shoulder and if standing for a long period of time like at a bus stop, take off the backpack while waiting.

What to look for in a good backpack • Correct Size:

Bigger is not necessaril­y better and it needs to be proportion­al to the size of the child.

• Has two broad, padded shoulder straps:

Having adjustable straps that are broad and distribute weight evenly between both shoulders is important. Unpadded straps can be uncomforta­ble for a child.

• Has a padded back: One with a padded back is far more comfortabl­e and there is less chance of that protractor or HB pencil poking into their back.

• Includes a waist belt or chest strap: Belts and straps help redistribu­te the weight of the backpack more evenly across the body. I know some children are not keen on the waist belt strap but if they are, they will find their backpack so much more comfortabl­e.

• Look for backpacks with compartmen­ts:

Who doesn’t love compartmen­ts, and this is a great idea to distribute weight across the backpack more evenly.

A healthy backpack

Is one that is cleaned out weekly and wiped down with some antibacter­ial spray. Nothing is worse than finding mouldy socks at the bottom of a school bag, or a half-eaten sandwich!

And finally

Backpacks provide an easy way for children to carry their books and supplies. But when used incorrectl­y, they can also be a health risk. Keep your children safe by reminding them of the correct way to wear their backpack.

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