Te Awamutu Courier

Girl Powa has more adventures on offer

More funding awarded from Sport NZ


Pirongia-based First Step Outdoors has been successful in securing another round of funding from Sport New Zealand’s Tū Manawa Active Aotearoa fund, administer­ed by Sport Waikato, for their Girl Powa Outdoors Adventures Programme.

Designed to create outdoor adventure opportunit­ies for female rangatahi aged 12-19, Girl Powa adventures for 2024 include kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking and caving.

“It is thanks to the funding we are able to provide the activities at just $50 a ticket. Each ticket admits two females — one teen aged 12-19 and one female adult aged 20-plus,” said First Step Outdoors managing director Kate Parr, who runs the Girl Powa programme.

“We included the adult in the ticket as our research has shown transport was a barrier to taking part, as was having someone to go with.

“The funding helps to break down the cost barrier, and by making them all-female events with only female instructor­s, we can create a safe, fun, supportive and non-competitiv­e en

vironment where our female teens can thrive.”

The First Step Outdoors team were at last week’s Sport Waikato Sport and Active Recreation Awards, where Girl Powa was a finalist for the Commitment to Inclusion and Accessibil­ity Award.

“We were so proud to have been finalists. It was a great night, and we were really inspired by all the amazing programmes and people out there

in our community,” Parr said.

“We didn’t win the award, but I believe we are winners when we see the impact our programme is having on our young wāhine.”

For more informatio­n and to book, visit firststepo­utdoors. com or the First Step Outdoors Facebook page.

Celebratin­g success: Girl Powa builds confidence and self-esteem.

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 ?? ?? The First Step Outdoors team with sporting legend Honey HiremeSmil­er (second from left) at the 2024 Sport Waikato Sport & Active Recreation Awards.
The First Step Outdoors team with sporting legend Honey HiremeSmil­er (second from left) at the 2024 Sport Waikato Sport & Active Recreation Awards.

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