Te Awamutu Courier

Busy week for the Kihikihi club


It has been a busy time at the Kihikihi Bowling Club this past week, starting with the clubs’ mixed singles championsh­ip on Saturday.

The following day, Sunday, the club hosted the Waikato Centre Bowls3Five Championsh­ip and then on Wednesday the annual “ladiesonly” tournament sponsored by Ingham Mitsubishi Te Awamutu.

The mixed singles was contested by 24 members with the men outnumberi­ng the women.

It produced an excellent final between Clive Merrin and Janice Johnston.

Johnston prevailed by holding her form from earlier matches with consistent draw bowls.

This match was as good as you would see anywhere and was played before a full gallery of club members.

On Sunday, despite very marginal weather, 11 teams represente­d their individual clubs from throughout the Bowls Waikato region.

They contested to determine the Waikato Centre Champion at Bowls3Five.

Kihikihi, for the first time, had a team contesting at this event and made it through to the semifinal before being eliminated.

The final was played between Rewa (Matamata) and Pirongia.

Pirongia won the day and once again it was a high standard of bowls.

The Pirongia team was Gayle Te Kanawa, John Te Kanawa (skip) and Henry Te Moni, worthy representa­tives of the Waikato Centre.

They now play the Counties Manukau winner to determine who goes forward to the national final.

Wednesday dawned fine and clear for the Kihikihi annual ladies tournament.

After a full day’s play there were no four winners but three teams with three wins each. They were separated by ends won over the four games.

The Raglan team skipped by Beverley McDavitt-Whyte with Sonia Moa and Maws Wahanga took first prize with 21 ends won and 37 points scored.

Second place went to a local Kihi

kihi team skipped by the veteran bowler Olga Barnes, supported by Trish Hancock and Rosie Hart.

They won on 20 ends scoring 47 points. They were followed by the Pirongia team of Rose Harris, Sheryl

Olsen and Noelene Cotterell who won on 17 ends with 28 points scored.

A very successful and enjoyable day made more so by the sponsorshi­p support from Ingham Mitsubishi Te Awamutu.

 ?? ?? The winners of Kihikihi Bowling Club’s annual ladies tournament were a Raglan team - Bev McDavittWh­yte, Sonia Moa and Maws Wahanga.
The winners of Kihikihi Bowling Club’s annual ladies tournament were a Raglan team - Bev McDavittWh­yte, Sonia Moa and Maws Wahanga.
 ?? ?? Kihikihi Bowling Club mixed singles finalists Clive Merrin and Janice Johnston (winner).
Kihikihi Bowling Club mixed singles finalists Clive Merrin and Janice Johnston (winner).

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