Te Awamutu Courier

There’s a New Chiropract­or in Town

- By Dr. Elliot Hill

After becoming a qualified chiropract­or in Auckland, I have decided to join the team at Te Awamutu Family Chiropract­ic to kickstart my career taking care of spines in the Waikato region - the dairy powerhouse of New Zealand. Farmers are what I like to call “occupation­al athletes”, meaning their bodies need to be functionin­g at a certain level to get their jobs done. When I was 14, I dreamt of being a profession­al cricket player, but I suffered from a postural condition that eventually made it too painful for me to play. After years of no answers, I finally had a chiropract­or take a look at my spine and get it moving properly again. This set my life on a completely different trajectory. Now, a decade later, I am passionate about fitness and helping people achieve their goals. I play tennis, squash, and golf with no limitation­s, and love going to the gym surrounded by like-minded people who want to perform better.

Sports athletes need to keep their body in top shape for 5 - 10 years over the course of their career, but a farmer or tradespers­on might have to deal with the physical stress of their work for 40 years or more. So how can chiropract­ic help keep the foundation of New Zealand’s economy functionin­g without being limited by pain or disability?

The spine and its joints are unlike any others in the body. The spine has the important job of holding you upright and protecting the spinal cord - which carries all the signals your body receives from your brain. It is the one and only major highway of informatio­n through the body, which means if there is an accident on that highway, you have a huge problem. The spine is a complex system. With 33 bones and over 100 joints, small problems can go unnoticed for a long time, but they can also compound. Small problems can add up until one day you sneeze and the whole system collapses like a Jenga tower. A chiropract­or will assess your spine, feeling how it is moving to see if any of the bones aren’t moving the way they should. By getting the bones in your spine moving freely again, stress is taken off the spinal cord and nerves, strength and resilience is restored and your body can move and heal without limitation.

If you want to see how much better you can feel and perform, give the team at Te Awamutu Family Chiropract­ic a call on 07 870 6673.

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