Te Awamutu Courier

Dangerous Chiefs beat Fijian Drua

Visitors fell away after a strong start at Waikato Stadium


The Fijian Drua started strongly but eventually fell 46-29 to a dangerous Gallagher Chiefs team at FMG Stadium Waikato on Saturday. Former Waikato player, and son of former Chiefs prop Joeli Veitayaki, Haereiti Hetet started at loosehead for the visitors as they looked to cause an upset in Hamilton, while exHamilton Old Boys outside back Selestino Ravutaumad­a was on the wing.

Contesting a box kick from his halfback, Drua centre Iosefo Masi won the ball when Chiefs first fiveeighth Damian McKenzie couldn’t retain it, and Masi’s speed carried him 50m to score after six minutes.

But a lineout move four minutes later saw Chiefs’ blindside wing Daniel Rona enter the line, providing a gap and space for supporting flanker Kaylum Boshier to score for the home side.

They followed this up moments later when second five-eighth Rameka Poihipi found space before passing inside to halfback Cortez Ratima, who scored.

Into the second quarter, a Drua forward drive set up another chance for Masi, who crossed under the bar for his second.

A tap penalty set-up by lock Manaaki Selby-Rickit allowed the Chiefs to run blind, and a long pass from McKenzie saw Rona cross in the corner.

Into the second half, the clever passing after a break by centre Anton Lienert-Brown resulted in a wide pass for wing Etene Nanai-Seturo to score, followed later by Boshier to score on the end of a pass from replacemen­t five-eighths Quinn Tupaea.

The Chiefs suffered a blow when Lienert-Brown had to be assisted from the field in the final quarter.

The Drua showed their version of clever goal-line passing for replacemen­t Te Ahiwaru Cirikidave­ta to score.

Shaun Stevenson’s chip and chase kick rounded out the home scoring before the Drua finished with a tap penalty try to Kemu Valetini.

Chiefs 46 (Tries: Kaylum Bosher 2, Cortez Ratima, Daniel Rona, Etene Nanai-Seturo, Shaun Stevenson. Conversion­s: Damian McKenzie 5. Penalties: McKenzie 2) Fijian Drua 29 (Tries: Iosefo Masi 2, Te Ahiwaru Cirikidave­ta, Kemu Valetini. Conversion­s: Isaiah ArmstrongR­avula 3. Penalties: ArmstrongR­avula). HT: 24-17

 ?? Photo / Photosport ?? Cortez Ratima was one of the Gallagher Chiefs’ try scorers against the Fijian Drua.
Photo / Photosport Cortez Ratima was one of the Gallagher Chiefs’ try scorers against the Fijian Drua.

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