Te Awamutu Courier

Rate for plug-in hybrids


at the recommenda­tion.

“I asked the select committee to test the advice around the proposed RUC rate for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles,” he said. “I am aware of the select committee’s report and the Government will consider its recommenda­tions,” he said.

Foster acknowledg­ed there had been a mistake. “We asked to fix it when we realised we got that wrong, [but] Labour denied that,” he said.

Foster said the committee had been working quickly to analyse the bill, and hear submission­s. He said submitters had agreed those cars should pay to use the road but they had disagreed over how much.

Genter, a well-known advocate for reducing speed in the name of road safety, noted the committee’s error was a good metaphor for the dangers of going too fast.

“The coalition has been moving at breakneck speed, setting records for bills passed under urgency, and they have a lot of brand new MPs, who don’t fully know their way around the system yet,” she said

Utikere said the mistake showed the “shambolic” process followed by the Government as it rushed to legislate the RUC changes. Usually, a committee would have months to consider a bill like this, but in this case, the committee had just over a week.

“Basically an eight-day select committee process is far from ideal; we would like to have heard from more people,” he said.

Utikere told the Herald the MPs’ mistake was “a big win for those who want to take climate change seriously” and urged the Government not to change the bill back when it comes up for debate again.

Genter said she was pleasantly surprised to see the changed bill, and hoped the Government would keep the changes, although the Greens were also keen to see the EV rate cut too.

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