Te Puke Times

Beauty of a mission

Jerrie-lee representi­ng Te Puke in October pageant

- Stuart Whitaker

If there is a stereotypi­cal beauty pageant contestant — Te Puke’s Jerrie-lee Ngareta Hill isn’t it. Jerrie-lee (Nga¯ti Awa iwi, Tu¯ wharetoa hapu) has been accepted as an entrant in the Ms Woman of the Universe New Zealand 2022 contest, part of the Mrs Universe New Zealand beauty pageant.

As well as Te Puke, she is representi­ng Kawerau and Te Teko.

“I’m a busy mother of five so, for me, I’ve been focused on looking after my little loves and as they are getting a little bit older, I have been able to do more stuff for myself,” she says.

“I’m into anything creative. I do modelling, I do acting, I paint, I write.”

But it was one specific aspect of the pageant that made her decide to take part.

“I was looking at my Facebook and this ad popped up for Ms Woman of the Universe New Zealand. I thought I probably wouldn’t be interested in doing something like that, but then I thought, ‘no, I’ll be open-minded’.”

She clicked the link and found that pageant organisers were advocating support for people going through domestic violence. It was something Jerrie-lee felt she wanted to support.

Pageants had never previously sparked her interest.

“I thought you have to have a pretty face and look beautiful in a gown and it’s quite superficia­l — that was my initial take — but when I looked into it I realised it was much more.

“That’s part of it, but it’s only a small part — you need to be an advocate, a leader for the community and you need to be able to have a voice — and that’s pretty much me.”

Jerrie-lee has three degrees including a Masters in Social Sciences, a black tip in taekwondo, she has written books, is an actor, models profession­ally and for charity, and is passionate about helping the community.

“If you are successful in all those areas then you are able to be crowned the pageant queen — so that was another thing that really enticed me and so I thought ‘okay I’m doing it’.”

She says the increased exposure that has and will come from being involved in the pageant will help her support and spread the messages of the causes she is passionate about.

She has written several books, two

 ?? ?? Jerrie-lee Ngareta Hill is representi­ng Te Puke, Kawerau and Te Teko in the Ms Woman of the Universe New Zealand beauty pageant.
Jerrie-lee Ngareta Hill is representi­ng Te Puke, Kawerau and Te Teko in the Ms Woman of the Universe New Zealand beauty pageant.
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