The Bay Chronicle

Bad sequel offensive in its mediocrity


No, the first wasn’t a great work of art.

But it took a single joke – the worst Santa ever – and made something agreeably twisted of out of it.

For any curmudgeon­s who would prefer a lump of coal in their stocking than to participat­e in heartwarmi­ng festive cheer, Billy Bob Thornton’s memorably cranky performanc­e as Willie Soke, a sexist, alcoholic, thieving misanthrop­e, was the ideal whiskey-soaked respite.

This sequel, arriving like a grubby gift no wanted some 13 years later, repeats the same schtick all over again, but ups the ante in political incorrectn­ess to a degree that’s frightenin­gly dull.

can’t help but feel exhausted, coming after a whole generation of and other garden-variety Todd Phillips/Judd Apatow gross-out joints.

From the endless stream of profanitie­s to the now-standard end credits ‘‘shocking photo roll’’ gag, the film is awfully desperate in its desire to make us gasp.

Bad Kathy Bates is occasional­ly fun, however.

As Willie’s butch, tatted-up long-lost mother Sunny, she’s a welcome snarling ball of villainy who’s somehow even more monstrous than him. But there’s a limit to how much the writers can wrest out of her character.

When you get to the point where Bates is taking a crap while watching the novelty’s worn off.

Overlong, and criminally unfunny, s mix of lazilywrit­ten caper antics, breasts and buttocks-ogling sleaze and unearned, third-act redemption arcs is only offensive in its mediocrity.

– Bad Santa 2 (R16)

Directed by Mark Waters

Starring Billy Bob Thornton, Kathy Bates, Tony Cox

92 mins

 ??  ?? Even the charismati­c presence of Kathy Bates can’t lift Bad Santa 2 to any great heights.
Even the charismati­c presence of Kathy Bates can’t lift Bad Santa 2 to any great heights.
 ??  ??

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