The Post

Truckies reluctant to give up space


I have cycled tens of thousands of kilometres on New Zealand roads and I have to thank drivers for their increasing courtesy over the past couple of years.

I know I am visible because virtually all vehicles swing out over the centre line when passing if the road is clear ahead. I do the same myself.

But if a vehicle is coming towards me when I’m driving, I slow down till all is clear or to preserve the margin of safety if I’m passing a biker.

Unfortunat­ely there are not many drivers who have caught on to this yet. Truckies especially are reluctant to preserve the margin of safety by slowing.

The other practice, and this one scares me, is when two or more vehicles are approachin­g me when I’m on the bike, and someone decides to overtake.

So I have a maniac hurtling towards me on my side of the road probably doing 120 with absolutely no regard for any margin of safety. Fortunatel­y for me this doesn’t happen too often.

Keep up the courtesy out there. We can make it work. MARK HUMPHREY


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