The Post

Alcohol’s link to despicable acts


Great to see the students come out and protest against the shameful rape culture, but the big, fat elephant in the room was not even mentioned.

The ‘‘no means no’’ chant just does not apply when one is too drunk to say no. Alcohol is still, by far, the biggest drug problem in New Zealand and yet we still watch ads on TV and sporting events which glamorise alcohol. Week after week we read in newspapers of another ‘‘alcohol fuelled’’ display of violence, whether it is in the bedroom, the back seat of a car, or on the streets. It proves to be the drug behind much of our despicable behaviour.

If Minister for Women Paula Bennett is genuine in her assurance to the students that she heard their plea, she will help by bringing an end to the advertisin­g and glamorisin­g of alcohol. In the meantime don’t expect much improvemen­t. VICTORIA DAVIS Golden Bay

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