The Post



ACROSS 7. Various (13) 8. Dead (8) 9. Cast off (4) 10. Rivulet (6) 12. Swindles (6) 14. Type (3) 15. Cowardly (6) 17. Method (6) 19. Lean (4) 21. Took a chance (3,1,4) 23. Win everything (5,3,5) DOWN 1. Ominous (8) 2. Elaborate plan of action (6) 3. Run away (4) 4. Searches destructiv­ely (8) 5. Tenant (6) 6. Sand hill (4) 11. Less than half (8) 13. Hold dear (8) 16. Facade (6) 18. Grief (6) 20. Wail (4) 22. Require (4)

YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: Across 1. Displace 7. Aware 8. Reassures 9. Tar 10. Ship 11. Luxury 13. Peace offering 15. Sombre 16. Spin 18. Age 20. Innermost 21. Trend 22. Get ahead

Down 1. Dares 2. Stamina 3. Last 4. Circumfere­nce 5. Tasty 6. Jeering 7. Assured 12. Mermaid 13. Penalty 14. Improve 15. Sever 17. Noted 19. Aria

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