The Post




1. Flee from justice (7)

5. Unimportan­t (5)

8. Persuasive flattery (13)

9. Young child (3)

10. Early years (9)

12. Fleet (6)

13. Bewilder (6)

15. Headstrong (9)

16. Thieve (3)

18. Uniqueness (13)

20. Consumed (5)

21. Spotted (7) DOWN

1. Head of an abbey (5)

2. The place to begin (8,5)

3. Traditiona­l (3,6)

4. Extract and purify (6)

5. Silent (3)

6. One who refuses to fit in (13)

7. Remains (7)

11. Ear-splitting (9)

12. Cookery (7)

14. Last tests (6)

17. Howled (5)

19. Hotel (3)

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