The Post

Acts can be subverted


Ann David (Letters, Jan 24) is naive in supposing that the medical profession would stay within legislatio­n on euthanasia.

A few years after the enactment of new legislatio­n on abortion, the Abortion Supervisor­y Committee was telling Parliament that it believed doctors were using the mental health grounds as a cover for providing abortion on request, that such abortions were ‘‘pseudolega­l’’.

However, it was not empowered to review individual decisions of Abortion Certifying Consultant­s.

Doctors opposed to euthanasia (a large majority of the profession, according to Ann David) remember how colleagues subverted the intention of Parliament, allowing abortion numbers to rapidly escalate.

Ann David’s faith in doctors is beautiful but sadly misplaced. A Euthanasia Supervisor­y Committee would need to be empowered to review individual decisions of authorisin­g doctors.

John McArthur, Lower Hutt

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