The Post

Radical losers and lone wolves:

Growing white supremacis­t movement


‘Hope you enjoy shariah!’’ Those were the parting words delivered to New Zealanders by Canadian alt-Right provocateu­rs Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux at Auckland Airport in August 2018. Auckland had been a difficult stop during the pair’s internatio­nal expedition to whip up resistance to multicultu­ralism and immigratio­n, and to convince people of European descent that ‘‘it’s OK to be white’’.

Auckland Mayor Phil Goff banned them from Auckland Council venues. The owner of an alternativ­e venue pulled their booking at the last minute, fearing ‘‘disruption’’. Meanwhile, a highprofil­e group of largely Right-wing New Zealanders formed the Free Speech Coalition to challenge Goff. The coalition has gone on to back a number of other Right-wing positions since.

It seemed an absurdity at the time. New Zealanders reassured themselves that Southern and Molyneux’s brand of intoleranc­e was failing to take root here. Some thought it was an overreacti­on to talk about them or give them media oxygen.

Even the prime minister commented. ‘‘We are hostile to their views’’, Jacinda Ardern told reporters, and added that while there were no grounds to block the pair, that did not mean their views were welcome.

Ardern said: ‘‘I think you’ll find from the reaction they’ve had from New Zealanders that their views are not those that are shared by this country, and I’m quite proud of that.’’

In response, a defiant Southern called Ardern a virtue-signaller, and hopped on a plane to the next stop on the tour.

Southern and Molyneux present themselves, and others who think like them, as victimised and threatened, rather than relatively privileged. Sometimes this can seem comically over-dramatic, as in a recent video uploaded by Molyneux after he and Southern were again ‘‘de-platformed’’ by a venue, this time in Vancouver. ‘‘Out beyond this fragile, flickering firelight of civilisati­on, there are red-eyed wolves circling, sniffing, scratching for weakness, looking to snap at us,’’ Molyneux intoned in a video that inevitably included a link for online donations. There were more than 174,000 views on YouTube in four days.

The replacemen­t theory

What did Southern mean when she made that quip about shariah at the airport? At the heart of alt-Right thinking, there is a fear that white people are being ‘‘replaced’’. They worry that birth rates among those of European descent are lower than for those of African and Middle Eastern descent, in particular. The mix of demographi­c trends and immigratio­n convinces them that white people will soon become minorities. Islam will succeed Christiani­ty in the West, and we will live under shariah law.

France has been a hotbed of this paranoid thinking, crystallis­ed by Right-wing intellectu­al Renaud Camus in his 2012 book, The Great

Replacemen­t. In the alleged Christchur­ch mosque shooter’s ‘‘manifesto’’, also titled The Great

Replacemen­t, he describes being radicalise­d in Europe, where he saw large numbers of Muslims living in French towns.

Like Southern and Molyneux, Camus has not backed down from these views in the days after the Christchur­ch shooting, but has said he does not advocate violence.

Although he was born in Australia, the Christchur­ch accused’s time in Europe was central to his view of the imminent clash of civilisati­ons. Like others on the alt-Right, he developed a nostalgia for a semi-imaginary medieval Europe of racial ‘‘purity’’ and heroism. He visited historical sites associated with the Crusades. His manifesto cites Pope Urban II, who launched the Crusades in 1095, and he claims that he received a blessing from a reborn ‘‘Knights Templar’’ movement linked to Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik.

The replacemen­t theory has also taken hold in New Zealand, where it does not always wear the overt imagery of white supremacy. Dutch-born Dieuwe de Boer cofounded the website Right Minds in 2016, inspired by a view that Brexit in the United Kingdom and the election of Donald Trump in the United States meant there was finally some pushback against a world ‘‘drifting more leftward’’.

De Boer, who is 24, has read parts of the shooter’s manifesto and agrees there are points where it overlaps with his movement, despite his opposition to terrorism and violence.

‘‘The overlappin­g views obviously are that we favour nationalis­m and have an opposition to the United Nations,’’ de Boer says. ‘‘We want stronger controls on immigratio­n. We haven’t talked much about replacemen­t, but I would definitely highlight that Western nations in general have low birth rates.’’

Hence the need for the West to ‘‘import’’ workers from other cultures. ‘‘It’s partly responsibl­e for the chaos we’re seeing across the western world,’’ de Boer says.

He knows that events in Christchur­ch and the public response will make the Right Minds position a harder sell. Until then, momentum had been slowly growing. Right Minds was strongly opposed to the United Nations Migration Pact and, with the group NZ Sovereignt­y, organised and promoted a national day of protest on February 2. About 100 people showed up at Aotea Square in Auckland to hear speeches and buy ‘‘Make New Zealand Great Again’’ mugs and hats. Mainstream political parties ACT and the New Conservati­ve party also lent their support.

De Boer also helped to organise a free speech rally at Aotea Square after the Southern and Molyneux cancellati­on, and tried to find an alternativ­e venue for the pair. He claims that there has been a ‘‘witch hunt’’ online against groups like his since the Christchur­ch events: ‘‘We got messages saying we had blood on our hands and this was our fault.’’

While he decries the ‘‘politicisa­tion’’ of the tragedy in Christchur­ch, de Boer has continued to publish blogs critical of Islam and the prime minister’s inclusive response to the attack. He denounced a national broadcast of an Islamic call to prayer. ‘‘On Friday, for at least a moment, New Zealand will become an Islamic nation,’’ he warned.

‘‘I think you’ll find from the reaction [Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux] have had from New Zealanders that their views are not those that are shared by this country, and I’m quite proud of that.’’

Jacinda Ardern

Who belongs?

Auckland University’s Chris Wilson has gone through the alleged shooter’s manifesto and seen the all-too-familiar language.

‘‘The word ‘invaders’ was used so many times,’’ he says. ‘‘It’s nativist rhetoric that says the time has come to act now. ‘It’s almost too late. We’re being over-run by immigrants and we’re going to lose our culture, our traditions, our homeland. Look at their crime, their high birth rates.’ ‘‘

A senior lecturer in politics with a strong interest in terrorism and conflict, Wilson is writing a book about nativist violence. He explains that nativism goes back nearly 200 years to when white Americans resisted Irish Catholic immigratio­n. As a malleable belief system about who belongs to a place and who does not, it has evolved to find new homes and new targets.

It comes with glaringly obvious ironies and contradict­ions. ‘‘You get this ridiculous idea of white people in settler societies believing they are the autochthon­s or original inhabitant­s of the land.’’

In Australia, this took the bizarre form of the Australian Natives’ Associatio­n, a 19thcentur­y party formed entirely of white men. On this side of the Tasman, nativism has never been as strong. Wilson says the Treaty of Waitangi is one means by which Pa¯ keha¯ are constantly reminded they are not the original owners of the land, whereas in Australia the myth of ‘‘terra nullius’’ – no-one’s land – told white people the country had no original owners.

‘‘Think about the difference between Waitangi Day and Australia Day.’’

Wilson would have expected the attack we saw in Christchur­ch to have happened in Australia, and not just because the alleged killer is Australian. The location was ‘‘part of the shock’’.

Beyond Australia and New Zealand, Wilson notes that nativist political sentiment is growing quickly and becoming mainstream. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban warns of the need to preserve ‘‘the Christian identity of

‘‘You get this ridiculous idea of white people in settler societies believing they are the autochthon­s or original inhabitant­s of the land.’’

Chris Wilson Auckland University

‘‘We want stronger controls on immigratio­n. We haven’t talked much about replacemen­t, but I would definitely highlight that Western nations in general have low birth rates.’’

Dieuwe de Boer Co-founder of the website Right Minds

Europe’’ and calls refugees ‘‘Muslim invaders’’. There are nativist parties with varying levels of support in Germany, Italy, the Netherland­s and Austria. Wilson also cites Kotleba in Slovakia and Golden Dawn in Greece, along with One Nation in Australia and the Republican Party in the US.

Far from being fringe, the replacemen­t theory is an idea at the heart of Europe’s politics, as the

Sydney Morning Herald put it this week.

Similarly, as Wilson notes, the replacemen­t theory has inspired terrorists, such as Breivik in Norway and Alexandre Bissonnett­e in Canada. Robert Bowers, the suspect in the 2018 shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, reportedly complained that a Jewish group was bringing ‘‘invaders in that kill our people’’.

Trump’s election legitimise­d this view and helped those who agree with it feel less like outsiders, Wilson says. And while it strikes many as abhorrent, it has to be taken seriously as a genuinely held belief.

‘‘There are not too many things that get people as emotionall­y worked up as the idea of losing your homeland and traditions to another group,’’ Wilson says. ‘‘It’s foolish for us to pretend that people don’t actually believe this.’’

Losers and humour

In an explanatio­n of the terrorist mindset published in 2006, German writer Hans Magnus Enzensberg­er talked about ‘‘the radical loser’’. In a seemingly prosperous and successful society, the loser feels isolated and angry. He looks for someone to blame and, once he finds a group to belong to and be further radicalise­d by – ‘‘a collective of people like himself who welcome him, who need him’’ – then he will act.

That was in the context of Islamism’s Western terror cells. But, 13 years later, do the losers even need to join a real life group?

‘‘You probably don’t need local networks any more,’’ Wilson agrees.

As far as we know, the alleged Christchur­ch shooter’s radical community was online. Where were they geographic­ally? Everywhere and nowhere. They spoke in an internet language of shared in-jokes, memes and coded references.

Canterbury University PhD student Ben Elley has been observing the online white supremacis­t community on websites like 4chan. For Elley, an alt-Right attack in his hometown ‘‘was like reading a book and then seeing it come to life in front of you’’.

He originally started researchin­g Isis but found it hard to get good informatio­n. By contrast, the alt-Right were ‘‘so comfortabl­e and unafraid of being observed that all of their discussion takes place in public’’. New Zealand was largely off their radar until after the 2017 election, when conspiracy theories started to circulate about the Labour Government letting in a flood of refugees.

He has become familiar with the strange mix of seriousnes­s and dark humour that can be a trap for the unwary. If the alt-Right say terrible things in a jokey way, those who call them out risk looking stupid. It can be hard to get a handle on what is meant and what is not. Once you are in that community, the outside world is warped, and real life events turn into something that affirms their narrative.

‘‘There is a push towards doing more and more extreme things,’’ Elley says.

It is hard to describe or explain, but there is a peculiar way in which the alleged Christchur­ch shooter seemed to be both enacting a terrible atrocity in real life and also performing it for the online friends he directly addressed in the live-stream video. Until then, even they may not have known how serious he was.

The use of humour as a tactic to lure in the like-minded was exposed two years ago when the

Huffington Post published the leaked style guide of the neo-Nazi website the Daily Stormer.

It advised that ‘‘the tone of the site should be light’’ as ‘‘most people are not comfortabl­e with material that comes across as vitriolic, raging, nonironic hatred’’.

Southern and Molyneux’s reliance on pranks, stunts and shareable video fits this pattern, as does the much more extreme sarcasm and antisocial posturing of altRight star Milo Yiannopoul­os, who was banned from Australia after claiming that attacks like the one in Christchur­ch ‘‘happen because the establishm­ent panders to and mollycoddl­es extremist leftism and barbaric, alien religious cultures’’.

This is not the old-fashioned Right. Irish writer Angela Nagle, author of Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars from 4chan and Tumblr to Trump and the alt-Right,

argued that the transgress­iveness and shock tactics once used by the avant-garde Left have been adopted instead by the Right. Young men have long admired moral transgress­ors, she wrote, but now those transgress­ive attitudes are in the service of conservati­ve views about race, religion and sex.

The alleged Christchur­ch shooter parroted the Daily Stormer style guide when he wrote about using ‘‘edgy humour and memes in the vanguard stage’’ to attract a young following and appeal to ‘‘the anger and black comedic nature of the present’’. Memes have ‘‘done more for the ethnonatio­nalist movement than any manifesto’’, he wrote, but there will come a time to take off the mask and revert to sounding more like a traditiona­l fascist.

‘‘Eventually we will need to show the warmth and genuine love we have for our people,’’ he wrote.

Homeland and resistance

‘‘It’s just a classic alt-Right piece of garbage,’’ US writer David Neiwert says of the manifesto. ‘‘Nobody should bother actually reading it.’’

Neiwert has been reporting on white supremacy for decades, long before it found a home online. He also recognises the familiar language of homeland and violent

resistance. His 2017 book, AltAmerica: The Rise of the Radical

Right in the Age of Trump, showed how far-Right groups that had festered on the margins were legitimise­d by Trump’s election in 2016, but it was no overnight story. Conspiracy theorists, the Rightwing Tea Party movement and alternativ­e media figures like Alex Jones helped to lay the foundation­s.

The book opened with a chilling coincidenc­e. The day after Trump announced his campaign for the presidency in 2015, a young man named Dylann Roof walked into a church in Charleston, South Carolina, and shot nine people because they were black. Prosecutor­s said that he was ‘‘selfradica­lised online’’, rather than through contact with existing hate groups.

Organisati­ons such as the Southern Poverty Law Centre watch hate groups, but those who self-radicalise go under the radar. They are exposed to the belief systems and online material but never join a group. The alleged Christchur­ch shooter fitted that pattern, when he wrote that he has ‘‘read the writings of Dylann Roof and many others’’, although Breivik remained his ‘‘true inspiratio­n’’.

‘‘This is very much a global movement, the white nationalis­t movement, particular­ly because it’s been spread online,’’ Neiwert says.

The Christchur­ch shootings were hard on Neiwert because he was in the city only last year, talking about his book at the city’s writers festival. ‘‘I couldn’t think of a town less likely to be dealing with it, of all the places I’ve visited, than Christchur­ch. I’m shocked that it happened in New Zealand at all.’’

Americans have been disturbed and horrified, but also impressed by how New Zealand ‘‘is giving Americans an object lesson in how to respond’’.

Taking a historical view, Neiwert sees the current phase of the alt-Right as similar to the 1980s, when white supremacis­ts engaged in what they called leaderless resistance. They tried to organise people into small militia cells or as lone wolves.

There is some misunderst­anding of the latter term, Neiwert adds: ‘‘It means terrorist actors who don’t have any affiliatio­n with the larger ideologica­l group, which is a way of protecting those groups from being harmed by the crimes those actors then go out and commit.’’

It does not mean that Roof or the alleged Christchur­ch shooter came up with the idea by themselves; it simply means that they followed existing blueprints.

And the replacemen­t theory has spread further in the US since the election of Trump. Variations on the idea that ‘‘diversity equals white genocide’’ have taken hold. During a ‘‘Unite the Right’’ rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, in 2017, white marchers carried torches and chanted ‘‘You will not replace us’’ and ‘‘Jews will not replace us’’. The rally led to the murder of protester Heather Heyer by Nazi sympathise­r James Alex Fields Jr.

The thinking can only ever go in one direction, as Neiwert observes. ‘‘This kind of rhetoric is encouragin­g people to go out and kill.’’

 ??  ?? Police respond to the shooting of 50 people in Christchur­ch by an alleged white supremacis­t. GEORGE HEARD/STUFF
Police respond to the shooting of 50 people in Christchur­ch by an alleged white supremacis­t. GEORGE HEARD/STUFF
 ??  ?? Jacinda Ardern was dismissed as a ‘‘virtue-signaller’’ when she said New Zealand was hostile to the views of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux.
Jacinda Ardern was dismissed as a ‘‘virtue-signaller’’ when she said New Zealand was hostile to the views of Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux.
 ??  ?? Canadian alt-Right provocateu­r Lauren Southern believes that white civilisati­on is endangered and that immigratio­n should be resisted.
Canadian alt-Right provocateu­r Lauren Southern believes that white civilisati­on is endangered and that immigratio­n should be resisted.
 ?? GETTY ?? White supremacis­ts at a Unite the Right rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, in 2017 carried torches and chanted ‘‘You will not replace us’’ and ‘‘Jews will not replace us’’. The rally led to the killing of a rival protester by a Nazi sympathise­r.
GETTY White supremacis­ts at a Unite the Right rally in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, in 2017 carried torches and chanted ‘‘You will not replace us’’ and ‘‘Jews will not replace us’’. The rally led to the killing of a rival protester by a Nazi sympathise­r.
 ??  ?? Dieuwe De Boer has continued in the past week to publish blogs critical of Islam.
Dieuwe De Boer has continued in the past week to publish blogs critical of Islam.
 ?? AP ?? Police confront protesters in Budapest, where Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is pushing the country to the Right.
AP Police confront protesters in Budapest, where Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is pushing the country to the Right.
 ??  ?? Journalist David Neiwert argues that Donald Trump has enabled white supremacy, which is spreading worldwide.
Journalist David Neiwert argues that Donald Trump has enabled white supremacy, which is spreading worldwide.
 ??  ?? Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik was a direct influence on the alleged Christchur­ch shooter.
Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik was a direct influence on the alleged Christchur­ch shooter.

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