The Post

State’s deadly mega fires are far from normal

- Greg Mullins Greg Mullins is a former Fire and Rescue NSW commission­er and a councillor on the Climate Council.

I write this piece reluctantl­y, because there are still possible fire victims unaccounte­d for; people have lost loved ones; and hundreds of families have lost their homes. My heart goes out to them. I don’t want to detract in any way from the vital safety messages that our fire commission­ers and Premier will be making about today’s fire potential.

The best firefighte­rs in the world – volunteer and paid – will be out in force from NSW agencies and interstate to do battle with the worst that an angry Mother Nature can throw at us. But as we saw on Friday, the sheer scale and ferocity of mega fires can defy even the best efforts.

In the past I’ve have heard some federal politician­s dodge the question of the influence of climate change on extreme weather and fires by saying, ‘‘It’s terrible that this matter is being raised while the fires are still burning.’’ But if not now, then when?

‘‘Unpreceden­ted’’ is a word that we are hearing a lot: from fire chiefs, politician­s, and the weather bureau. I have just returned from California where I spoke to fire chiefs still battling unseasonal fires. The same word, ‘‘unpreceden­ted’’, came up.

Unpreceden­ted dryness; reductions in long-term rainfall; low humidity; high temperatur­es; wind velocities; fire danger indices; fire spread and ferocity; instances of pyro-convective fires (fire storms – making their own weather); early starts and late finishes to bushfire seasons.

An establishe­d long-term trend driven by a warming, drying climate. The numbers don’t lie, and the science is clear.

If anyone tells you, ‘‘This is part of a normal cycle’’ or ‘‘We’ve had fires like this before’’, smile politely and walk away, because they don’t know what they’re talking about.

In NSW, our worst fire years were almost always during an El Nino event, and major property losses generally occurred from late November to February. Based on more than a century of weather observatio­ns our official fire danger season is legislated from October 1 to March 31. During the 2000s though, major fires have regularly started in August and September, and sometimes go through to April.

This year, by the beginning of November, we had already lost about as many homes as during the disastrous 2001-2002 bushfire season. We’ve now eclipsed 1994 fire losses.

Fires are burning in places and at intensitie­s never before experience­d – rainforest­s in northern NSW, tropical Queensland, and the formerly wet old-growth forests in Tasmania.

On Friday, the NSW Rural Fire Service sent out an alert that fires were creating thundersto­rms – pyro-convective events. In my 47 years of fighting fires I don’t remember this happening much. Now it happens quite regularly.

The drought we are facing is more intense than the Millennium Drought, with higher levels of evaporatio­n due to higher temperatur­es. This has dried out the bush and made it easier for fires to start, easier for them to spread quickly, and as we saw on Friday, enabling spot fires to start twice as far ahead of the main fires as we would normally expect.

Together with 22 other retired fire and emergency service chiefs, I spoke out earlier this year. We felt we had a duty to tell people how climate change is super-charging our natural disaster risks. I wish we were wrong, but we’re not.

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