The Post




1. Catchphras­e ofDr Emmett Brown in the Back to the Future film series (5,5)

6. Devicewhic­h pulls skiers uphill (1-3)

9. Take It __ __ __, song released byThe Eagles in 1975 (2,3,5)

10. 1977-1981 sitcomabou­t theTate and Campbell families, featuring Benson the butler (4)

12. American jazz musician and band leader, 1909-1986, known as the King of Swing (5,7)

15. Luggagewhi­ch can be stowed in the overhead locker of an aeroplane (5,2)

16. Active stratovolc­ano inWashingt­on state, considered to be one of theworld’smost dangerous volcanoes (7)

17. Medication used to reduce pain and fever (7)

19. Town in theMackenz­ie District (7)

20. Type of confection­ery, similar to toffee, which originated inYorkshir­e (12)

23. Four letter abbreviati­on ofOxfordsh­ire (4)

24. Famous, glamorous peoplewho attend fashionabl­e events (10)

25. Garden plant, Salvia officinali­s, used as a culinary herb (4)

26. Name which represents the average Britishman on the street (4,6)


1. Opening in thewall around a city, still used as part of street names long after thewall has gone (4)

2. “Ahuman being is what he ___”: Ludwig Feuerbach (4)

3. Americanwe­eklymagazi­ne first published in 1925 (3,3,6)

4. Knot or roll of hair worn at thenapeof the neck (7)

5. Road sweeper character played by Roger Lloyd-Pack in the BBC comedyOnly Fools and Horses (7)

7. NewZealand’s Director-General ofHealth (10)

8. Northern American term for an exceptiona­l performanc­e or thing, e.g. a storm or sporting highlight (10)

11. Award-winning Canadian singersong­writer, born 1943 (4,8)

13. Albums used for displaying and preserving personal and family history (10)

14. Three vowels pronounced together in a single syllable (10)

18. Glass laboratory tubes named after a German chemist (7)

19. Type of glasswhich can’t be seen through (7)

21. Pet boarhound of Rubeus Hagrid in Harry Potter (4)

22. Affliction which can affect a golfer while putting (4)

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