The Post

A foot in both camps


This is 2021 New Zealand, not post-World War II New Zealand.

Both the US and United Kingdom refuse to provide us with a free trade deal. China does, and not only is it our biggest trading partner, but it also provides the most foreign students, highest immigratio­n inflow, is the most popular foreign language in our schools, and provides one of the highest inbound

foreign investment inputs.

We are an island trading nation in the Asia/Pacific circle, with the US, our historical ally, withdrawin­g its influence in the Pacific arena, imposing tariffs upon our goods. And the US also happens to be a dysfunctio­nal democracy.

The United Kingdom is 20,000km away, is part of the European continent, and restrictiv­e in its trade deals and immigratio­n policies with New Zealand. People forget 1973.

We don’t need to choose between the US and China – both have questionab­le and difficult pedigrees – we need to adopt a neutral approach, be very careful to pick our battles, attempting to keep a positive relationsh­ip with both.

Relationsh­ips and dialogue must be retained at all costs, our comments measured and with principle.

Alec Waugh, Nelson

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