The Hutt News

Anaestheti­st open day in Hutt


They can put you to sleep but when you need an operation, an anaestheti­st has your life in his or her hands.

Monday October 17 is National Anaesthesi­a Day and Hutt Valley Health Board chief executive Ashley Dr Ashley Bloomfield will be part of a live demonstrat­ion.

The theme for the day is regional anaesthesi­a, which is used for a range of operations and procedures, such as epidurals for pain relief during childbirth and operations on limbs, including hip and knee replacemen­ts.

It is often the only option for people too unwell to cope with a full general anaestheti­c.

Regional anaesthesi­a numbs only the part of the body being operated on and patients may be able to talk to their anaestheti­st and other theatre staff.

Or they can have a light general anaestheti­c or sedation as well, leaving them unconsciou­s and unaware.

The benefits of regional anaesthesi­a include better pain control, faster recovery, fewer side effects and less stress on the body.

Hospital staff will demonstrat­e ultrasound techniques on staff, including Bloomfield.

Ultrasound enables anaesthet- ists to see where they are directing the needle administer­ing the anaestheti­c. This helps ensure its correct placement in relation to muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

National Anaesthesi­a Day is an annual promotion by the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaestheti­sts (ANZCA) marking the anniversar­y of the day (October 16) in 1846 when ether anaestheti­c was first demonstrat­ed publicly in Boston. The aim of the promotion is to raise public awareness of anaesthesi­a and the range of work anaestheti­sts do.

* Monday October 17 Hutt Hospital foyer, 9-3pm.

 ?? SUPPLIED ?? Dr Ashley Bloomfield will be a guinea pig on National Anaesthesi­a Day.
SUPPLIED Dr Ashley Bloomfield will be a guinea pig on National Anaesthesi­a Day.

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