The Hutt News

Hutt South turns blue


Wooing Wainuiomat­a seems to have been the key to National turning Hutt South blue in its tightly contested victory in the long-held Labour seat.

Newly-anointed National MP Chris Bishop’s rowdy supporters packed out Petone’s Queen of Jackson pub on Saturday night chanting ‘‘Chris, Chris, Chris!’’ as it became clear their man - dubbed ‘The Bish’ had taken the seat from the Labour Party’s Ginny Andersen, whom he had been battling neck and neck with all night.

‘‘We’ve just been working really hard to turn this around,’’ and the win had left him ‘‘tired and elated,’’ Bishop said.

The Hutt South electorate was formed in 1996 as MMP was ushered in, and had been held since by Labour’s Trevor Mallard. It has never been held by National, nor were the electorate­s of Pencarrow or Petone, which preceded it before MMP.

‘‘This is a tough electorate for us... but six or seven weeks ago everything changed and we had to fight hard for this victory. Tonight didn’t just happen because of coincidenc­e, it happened because of a lot of hard work,’’ Bishop said.

Although individual votes had not yet been tracked, crucial to the victory was likely National’s focus on Wainuiomat­a - where the party opened an office last year, Bishop said.

‘‘A wise old head told me if you ever want to win Hutt South you have to win Wainuiomat­a.

‘‘We opened an office and hired a Wainuio-martian called Dawn.’’

Born and bred Wainuiomat­a resident Petrina McLaughlin thinks Bishop took the vote in the suburb because ‘‘he was visible’’ and active.

Labour had neglected Wainuiomat­a and had considered the residents’ votes a foregone conclusion - to their detriment, she said.

In his victory speech, Bishop thanked Mallard for his long service, after delivering a backhanded compliment: ‘‘Trevor Mallard taught me a lot about how to be a local MP, and a lot about how not to be a local MP.’’

Both Andersen and Mallard look likely to make it into Parliament as Labour list MPs.


 ?? PHOTO: ROBERT KITCHIN/STUFF ?? Chris Bishop with his partner Jenna Raeburn at the Queen of Jackson pub in Petone after a hotly contested inaugural victory for National in Hutt South.
PHOTO: ROBERT KITCHIN/STUFF Chris Bishop with his partner Jenna Raeburn at the Queen of Jackson pub in Petone after a hotly contested inaugural victory for National in Hutt South.
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