The Hutt News


- Taylor Jillings is a pharmacist at Chemist Warehouse in Birkenhead, Auckland. He loves the satisfacti­on of seeing how his advice benefits his customers.

QRecently, I’ve noticed my hair is starting to lose condition and look lank and unhealthy. What are some shampoos or supplement­s that can bring it back to good health?

Chemist Warehouse pharmacist Taylor Jillings has this advice:

If you have noticed that your hair is losing its lustre and vitality, it may be time to take action. Many factors – such as environmen­tal pollution, chemical treatments, heat styling, poor nutrition and age – can contribute to hair damage and dullness. There are several shampoos and supplement­s available that can help support your hair back to good health.

Clarifying shampoos may be used to remove a buildup of styling products from the scalp, along with hard-water minerals and excess oil. If left untreated, this buildup can weigh down hair and make it look dull. Look for shampoos containing ingredient­s such as tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar or charcoal, as these can detoxify the scalp and clarify the hair, leaving it fresh and revitalise­d.

Biotin is a B vitamin that is important for supporting hair, skin and nail health and has benefits for supporting strong healthy hair in people with biotin deficienci­es. By supporting protein production, biotin supports strong healthy hair shafts and hair texture. Biotin is most present in food such as eggs, milk and beef liver. People following a vegan or vegetarian diet or lacking whole foods are more likely to be deficient in biotin and would benefit the most from supplement­ation.

Collagen supplement­ation may also aid in improving your hair condition. Collagen is a protein that makes up a significan­t portion of our hair. As we age, our collagen levels naturally decrease, which can result in weak and brittle hair. Collagen supplement­s can help replenish collagen levels in the body, and in turn promote stronger and healthier hair.

Studies have shown that zinc supplement­ation has a positive effect on men’s hair, supporting hair quality and strength. Low levels of zinc have been linked with thin, lacklustre hair. Zinc is most present in red meat and seafood, but it may be difficult to meet the recommende­d daily intake without supplement­ation or a daily consumptio­n of seafood/shellfish.

Although using the right shampoos and supplement­s can help improve the condition of your hair, it is also important to maintain good haircare practices and a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise. Be patient, as it may take some time to see results, and consult a pharmacist before starting any new supplement­s to ensure that they are safe and suitable for you.

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