The Hutt News

5 tips to save on your power bill


As more Kiwis feel the pinch of rising costs, finding ways to save money in the home can help us feel in control and reduce stress. Saving money can be simple, let's start with that monthly power bill. Here are our top 5 tips for lowering your power bill.

1. Invest in energy-efficient appliances

Energy-efficient appliances use the least amount of energy possible to perform the same tasks compared to non-enegy- efficient appliances.

If you have an ancient fridge sitting in your kitchen that you brought with you from your flatting days, it may be worth considerin­g investing in a new fridge that has a good energy rating.

Older appliances are more likely to use more energy and thus hike your electricit­y bill.

While energy-efficient appliances may come with the initial price tag, they are an incredible investment that will save you money on power month to month by using less energy.

Jump on to compare the energy ratings on washing machines, fridge freezers and other appliances. You can even compare the prices of multiple stores to ensure you get the best deal! 2. Clean your air con

It’s important to clean the filter in your air conditione­r and heat

When you leave your devices and appliances powered on at the wall, they will be in what is called “standby mode”. This means that your device, such as a TV, is still using small amounts of power so that it’s ready to be switched on at any time.

But this small, sneaky amount

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