The Leader Nelson edition

Families need to lock in ‘fun’ time


It is important for families in this busy world we live in, to spend some time, at least once a week, being together having some fun.

There are lots of ways we can spend time together as a family, and the more we do it, the better.

The value of family time is twofold, not only benefiting our children but also ourselves as parents.

The children are learning how to communicat­e, in a positive fun environmen­t while parents are modelling appropriat­e behaviours.

One idea is to set aside one evening a week when all the family is home and you all do something together.

It could be that ‘‘Friday Fun Nights’’ become a family tradition. The way it works is that each week, one member of the family gets to choose what the family is going to do.

It may be having a movie night at home, playing a co-operative game, going for a bike ride, or having a picnic at the beach.

Any inexpensiv­e activities that promote togetherne­ss and fun social experience­s would be fun to do.

Often we get too tied up in our favourite TV programmes, or social life and the children are forgotten.

By getting into the routine of having a ‘‘Family Fun Night’’, there is at least one day in the week when all the family are together having some fun.

This can begin when you have even younger children, as they enjoy getting some special attention that may not often happen.

By allowing them to have the opportunit­y to choose what is going to happen is showing that we respect all members of the family.

Even if our young, or not so young ones, choose things that we may not want to do, it is important to show them respect and participat­e in their choice of activity.

You need to have an agreement that everyone will take turns at choosing the ‘‘fun activity’’ and that everyone will participat­e.

This may take you out of your comfort zone but put yourself in their shoes and consider how many times we make our children do things that they don’t want to do?

Making sure that you all sit together for at least one meal each day or going on a family outing once a week is all valuable family time.

Even if the outing is only for a few hours, like going to the park together and having some fun, it will not only be thoroughly enjoyable for the children, but it will make you play with your child which is something you may not always do.

It will also be good for you as you’ll forget about all the things that you should be doing at home, or get you up off the couch and outside.

Don’t forget to like us on Facebook, good luck and have some fun!

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