The New Zealand Herald

Clean it up — Fifa’s corruption challenge

- John Leicester comment

Secret slush funds, junkets, gifts and payments to soccer officials — the latest allegation­s that a Qatari official greased palms to help buy the 2022 World Cup for his Gulf nation make depressing reading.

But the silver lining is this — better that this came to light than not at all. This stink bomb couldn’t have been rolled into Fifa’s house at a more opportune time. With global attention on soccer because of the World Cup tournament in Brazil, outside pressure on the governing body and Qatar for answers, for action and for heads to roll will be intense.

The spotlight now falls on two people, Fifa president Sepp Blatter and Fifa prosecutor Michael Garcia.

Blatter should — at least for now — resist calls for Qatar to be stripped of the 2022 World Cup or for a revote to be held.

Such a momentous decision, which would be a huge affront to the tiny but rich nation, cannot be made lightly. It should not be made in the heat of the moment.

Politician­s and others quick to suggest Qatar is no longer or perhaps never was a suitable and trustworth­y World Cup host should pause and take breath. They should consider how public opinion in the Middle East might react if Qatar was shamed by being stripped of the tournament, especially if evidence to justify such a move is anything less than rocksolid.

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