The New Zealand Herald

Power from the few and restoring it to the many

- Bryan Gould is a former UK Labour MP and former vice-chancellor of Waikato University.

their advantages, and to restore the normal condition of widening inequality in our society; indeed, Piketty believes that process is gathering pace. And there is no message more congenial to the powerful than that this is how it must be.

Yet we can do something about it, if we have the courage to use the power that our forefather­s who fought for democracy have bequeathed us. The whole point of democracy is that it allows us to challenge existing power structures.

Is the Labour Party’s proposal to use a universal savings scheme as an alternativ­e to ever-rising interest rates leftwing? Or is it just a sensible and better alternativ­e to a failing policy? Is the Greens’ proposal for a carbon tax leftwing? Or will it do the job of reducing climate change more effectivel­y and provide a tax break for ordinary people? Is the refusal to accept that businessme­n always know best left-wing or just a reassertio­n of the democratic principle?

We should take heart from the fact that most New Zealanders will affirm, if asked, their belief in the values of fairness, compassion, tolerance and concern for others. But those values have become submerged under the tidal wave of freemarket propaganda; democratic politician­s need to find effective ways of bringing them back to the surface.

Most people do not think about politics in any systematic way; they are perfectly capable of nodding in agreement to contradict­ory propositio­ns offered from every part of the political spectrum. What determines the way they vote is which of those contradict­ory values is closest to the tops of their minds on polling day.

The rich and powerful are expert at using their dominance of the media to raise the salience in the popular mind of values that suit their interests. The task facing politician­s who want to resist the further concentrat­ion of power is to remind voters at every opportunit­y of the values they continue to hold — values which built this country and define a healthy and integrated society.

The advice that this should not be attempted for fear of seeming left-wing could hardly be more suited to those who have everything to gain from protecting the status quo. If our democracy is to prosper, we must remember what it is for — to resist the concentrat­ion of power and to ensure that the interests of the majority are properly taken into account.

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