The New Zealand Herald

Foreigners living in Britain banned from vote on EU

- Steven Swinford — Telegraph Group Ltd

More than one million foreigners living in Britain will be banned from voting in the EU referendum, the Conservati­ves have announced, in a significan­t boost to Euroscepti­c campaigner­s.

The EU referendum bill, which will be announced this week after the Queen's Speech, will make clear that only British, Irish and Commonweal­th citizens who are resident in the UK will be allowed to vote.

It comes after Euroscepti­c MPs confronted ministers over the issue claiming that pro-Europeans could give EU citizens the decisive vote.

Jean Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, is reportedly planning to push Prime Minister David Cameron to hold the referendum in 2016 or ‘‘ as soon as possible’’ despite concerns this will not give Britain time to secure reforms.

Cameron has said he is committed to holding a referendum by 2017 at the latest, but has suggested he could hold one sooner if negotiatio­ns with Brussels prove successful.

The Prime Minister will set out his plans to bar foreign jobseekers claiming benefits and deport them from the UK if they do not find work within six months.

After the Queen’s Speech on Thursday, Cameron will embark on a two-day diplomatic offensive visiting Denmark, Holland, France, Poland and Germany.

A Downing Street source said: “No Briton under the age of 58 has had their say on the UK’s membership of the European Union. It is time to put this right and to give people the choice — in or out.’’

The franchise for referendum will be based on that of the general election meaning Irish, Maltese and Cypriots resident in the UK will get a vote, but other EU citizens will not.

British, Irish and Commonweal­th citizens over 18 who are resident in the UK will be eligible to vote, as well as UK nationals resident overseas for fewer than 15 years.

Members of the House of Lords and Commonweal­th citizens in Gibraltar will also be entitled to vote in the referendum.

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