The New Zealand Herald

Short and sweet


On kiwifruit

Congratula­tions to Zespri for achieving a $34.6 million annual profit, and how about a bonus for its local customers? Let them have kiwifruit of export quality, or perhaps charge a lower price, as befits the product sold locally being deemed unacceptab­le for export. We get the poorer-standard fruit at top price.

Ian Girven, Orewa.

On superannua­tion

Bill English’s repeating of the mantra of no action on superannua­tion is tantamount to derelictio­n of duty. This is a populist government that makes decisions based on public reaction. It knows any future government will be vilified for acting responsibl­y in this area. It is time that it got some guts and made decisions based on need, rather than votes.

Reg Dempster, Albany.

On beneficiar­ies

Problem: having to return to work when the youngest child is 3, not 5, as previously. Solution: have more babies. Families will then have more than enough children and no experience in family planning.

June Krebs, Gulf Harbour.

On vaccinatio­n

Apparently it is fine for a mother to “choose” not to breastfeed her baby or “choose” elective C-section, but not OK to choose alternativ­es to vaccinatio­n. I suspect it is considered more costeffect­ive to simply jab the child at regular intervals. It keeps the pharmaceut­ical companies in profit and gives a semblance of authority to a national healthcare system that has forgotten what health means.

Rowan Miller, Kerikeri.

On Irish vote

Congratula­tions to Ireland on its gay marriage referendum vote. We were not so privileged. Our Parliament passed that law, denying us democratic process.

Helen Acraman, Te Atatu Peninsula.

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