The New Zealand Herald

Motat hosts dancing robotic marvel

- Tess Nichol — NZME.

A robot that gives high-fives and dances is not just a toy, it is a marvel of engineerin­g, says a museum spokeswoma­n.

A prototype of Meccanoid, an interactiv­e robot made by Meccano, will be on show at the Museum of Transport and Technology ( Motat) this long weekend.

Pupils of Favona School in Mangere got to meet the bug-eyed bot a little earlier than most on a school trip to Motat yesterday. Seven Year 5 and 6 students “danced the robot” alongside the 1.2m prototype.

The Meccanoid prototype was controlled by Motat experience co- ordinator Andrew McCartney through an iPad app, but the final version will also respond to voice commands and body movements.

Motat communicat­ions adviser Vanessa Hefer said Meccanoid was an award-winning robotics invention and not just a toy. “It’s cutting-edge technology in the field of robotics.”

In January, Meccanoid was awarded the top prize at the Living in Digital Times Last Gadget Standing Showdown in Las Vegas.

Meccanoid uses an open-source robotics-building platform that allows users to program thousands of different commands, without needing to understand robotics.

“You don’t have to learn code, or run through hours of individual instructio­ns as no prior experience is needed to teach the robot once it is assembled,” said Ms Hefer.

The toy must be assembled, but the robot will help you if you’re struggling. “Apparently it can actually talk you through the process while you’re building it.”

Motat will have two versions of Meccanoid on display this Queen’s Birthday weekend and Ms Hefer expects they will be a hit. “You can just see by the enthusiasm of these children that there’s going to be a good reaction.”

The finished version of Meccanoid, due out in September, can be ordered at Motat for $499.

 ??  ?? Students from Favona School put Meccanoid through its paces at Motat yesterday.
Students from Favona School put Meccanoid through its paces at Motat yesterday.

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