The New Zealand Herald

Next year’s Budget could go a step further with benefit incomes, write

Russell Wills and Jonathan Boston


The Government recognised in last week’s Budget that the gap between market and benefit incomes has become too wide. We believe the addition of up to $25 a week for the poorest benefit-dependent families with children and up to $24.50 for very low-wage workers will be helpful for many families.

In the debate that followed, the Minister of Finance Bill English claimed that he will “never be able to satisfy” our advice to reduce relative poverty.

It is hard to believe that we’re still debating how to measure child poverty. We had hoped that the debate had moved beyond that. However, since we’ve been asked, let us explain.

Simply put, poverty means not having enough resources to live in dignity or meet basic needs. Inequality also matters but is different. No single measure of child poverty adequately captures the complexity of the issue. Any one measure can be misleading. This is why the Children’s Commission­er’s Expert Advisory Group recommende­d using a suite of measures to calculate rates of child poverty and monitor progress.

Child poverty can be measured as material deprivatio­n (the number of children who lack certain essentials), constant value poverty (the number of children in families below a fixed poverty line) and relative poverty (the number of children in families below a proportion of the median income). All three are important for children, all can be measured and all can be changed by government policy.

People sometimes confuse median and households by $100, so the average income has also not changed. The difference to the wealthiest families is proportion­ately small but for the poorest families it is proportion­ately large. This is why reducing taxation for the wealthy makes little difference for them but the opportunit­y cost of not being able to increase the incomes of the poorest is large.

Being born into poverty greatly increases a child’s chances of getting sick, failing in education, and their long-term risks of physical and mental illness, addictions, crime and welfare dependency. This imposes large costs on the whole of society. Hence, investing wisely in our youngest and poorest citizens makes sense.

It’s time to focus on developing a plan to reduce child poverty in a significan­t and durable way. We could start by agreeing on what a reasonable standard of living for a child is and then having a plan to get there over time. The plan would need to be future-proofed, as we do for National Superannua­tion, by linking family assistance and benefit rates to prices and wages.

Wouldn’t that be great to see in next year’s Budget?

Figures used with permission from Jonathan Boston and Simon Chapple (2015) The Child Poverty Debate: Myths, Misconcept­ions and Misunderst­andings. BWB Texts, Wellington.

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