The New Zealand Herald

Speeding tolerance


A large number of NZ Transport Agency staff have exceeded 100km/h and the 110km/h tolerance level on a number of occasions by a considerab­le margin.

This reinforces my view that the 100km/h limit should be advisory only. The change should be accompanie­d by the following widely publicised statement: “Drivers exceeding the advisory limit must be certain it is safe to do so in the prevailing conditions.

“The police will take action against irresponsi­ble, reckless, dangerous or drunken driving. It is the personal responsibi­lity of every driver to ensure they do not cause an accident.”

This would eliminate the excessive number of revenue-gathering speeding tickets issued. Last year, of 1,063,846 offences, 767,409 were camera offences. The Government collected nearly $80 million. Both the number and amount are unnecessar­y and excessive.

R.A. Bruce, Red Beach. residents. I still live in the same area and have set foot on the Devonport golf course about four times in my life — walking home from parties.

If I do take up golf, I expect that if I am prepared to cover the cost of green fees, I will probably be in a financial position that enables me to own a car and travel for my hobby.

It would be wonderful if as many children as possible could share this healthy upbringing, so rezoning the golf course into residentia­l housing is a wonderful idea.

Because it is near a beach and park, more affordable apartments would be thoughtful planning, perhaps with a pedestrian underpass to the large underused park on the other side of Lake Rd.

My only nimby reservatio­n would be an insistence on improved public transport up Lake Rd and an end to Fullers’ monopoly on the wharf.

R. France, Devonport.

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