The New Zealand Herald

Discover America

Kris Shannon drinks in as much San Fran as he can during a brief visit


What to do for 24 hours in San Francisco? Sight-see? Eat and drink? Exercise? Why choose one, when the intrepid traveller can accomplish all three. Fisherman’s Wharf, a rider can cruise along the waterfront toward the base of the bridge having barely raised their pulse. But when the resplenden­tly red steel is seemingly within touching distance, it’s time to rise out of that blazing saddle and make like a mountain stage on the Tour of California.

Or not. On a brilliantl­y sunny Saturday, we traversed the most photograph­ed bridge in the world. Plenty of people — this athlete included — jumped off and walked their way up the winding hills to reach the summit.

It is, after all, a journey far from limited to the fit; for every lycra-clad semi-pro, there’s an idiot like me who decided to wear jeans.

The path along the bridge is magnificen­t — albeit a little crowded — and riding down into Sausalito is much more relaxing than riding up. Eat, drink and be sporty in San Fran. THE CELEBRATIO­N You did it, you biked across the Golden Gate Bridge, 90 minutes of tough but rewarding work. Time to get drunk. But not just normal drunk — you deserve a treat.

The Li Po Lounge is an intimate cocktail joint where only one order is acceptable: the Chinese Mai Tai, a drink so potent that patrons are restricted to two servings before being sent packing.

Legend has it, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg were once regulars at Li Po and, chances are, probably exceeded the two-drink limit.

But you’re not some famously alcoholic writer; you’re an athlete! So toast your success in small doses, enjoy the anachronis­tic pop tunes and contemplat­e 24 hours well spent.

 ?? Picture / 123RF ??
Picture / 123RF

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