The New Zealand Herald

How celebs bounce back

Stephanie Merry looks at five rules for celebritie­s weathering a scandal


So what happens next for celebrity suck-up artist Billy Bush? By now we’ve all seen the video and wagged a judgmental finger at his smarminess, his titillated laughter, his hug demands.

His chortle session with selfprocla­imed lady-grabber Donald Trump won’t be good for his career in the short-term. The host of the Today show’s third hour has been suspended, and reports suggest his punishment will be permanent.

But if history tells us anything, it’s that guys like Bush usually get another shot.

Public forgivenes­s is a complicate­d matrix. How it works, exactly, is a mystery — although here are some lessons we’ve learned from Bill Cosby, Johnny Depp, Mel Gibson, Nate Parker, Hugh Grant and others who have ventured into infamy.

The number of transgress­ions matters A single misdeed can be explained away, especially when the person responsibl­e has built up years of good will. Amber Heard accused Depp of physical abuse, but his previous partners have not reported the same treatment, so some fans have rationalis­ed she made it all up. Despite troubling photos of her bruised face, Depp doesn’t seem to have lost any jobs.

With Cosby, the news media and the public chalked up one or two sexual assault accusers to aberration­s — who wanted to believe Dr Huxtable was a predator? But when 60 women stepped forward with strikingly similar stories, it became much harder to ignore. Regardless of what happens with Cosby in court, his career is over.

The justice system doesn’t dictate public sentiment Long before he was famous, Nate Parker was tried for rape in 1999 and found not guilty. But that wasn’t enough to stop the backlash when allegation­s against him resurfaced this year, casting a major cloud over the opening of his Birth of a Nation.

It turns out that circumstan­ces matter. Parker was an athlete at Penn State at the time he avoided charges — the very place where Jerry Sandusky abused kids with impunity for so many years — which placed the old allegation­s against him into a troubling narrative. Then there was the bombshell that his accuser committed suicide in 2012. In the end, Birth of a Nation bombed at the box office. Now the once-surefire Oscar nominee isn’t looking so certain.

Meanwhile, Roman Polanski was accused of raping a 13-yearold girl in 1977. He admitted a lesser charge in exchange for a lighter sentence. But when it seemed the judge was going to renege on the plea deal, Polanski fled the country. He has been living in France for the most part since then.

Polanski has released nearly a dozen movies while in exile. His biggest hit was The Pianist, in 2002, which also won him the best director Oscar. He was also nominated for an Academy Award just a few years after the scandal, for Tess in 1981.

It’s hard to square the public’s reaction to Parker and Polanski — in part because they were at different stages of their careers, and their scandals broke in very different eras.

It’s also too soon to know whether or how Parker will weather his storm. But it’s also worth noting that ...

The celebrity’s public persona plays a role, but not always in the way you’d think Celebritie­s on high horses have

a longer way to fall. Parker had some lofty goals with his mission to bring the story of Nat Turner’s 1831 slave uprising to the screen: He wanted his movie to prompt national conversati­ons and heal century-old wounds. A noble and worthy goal, right?

But once people learned of his past, his quest started to look a little grandiose. It didn’t help that his movie used two rape scenes as a way to justify the main character’s motivation­s.

Whereas Woody Allen — well, didn’t people always think he was a little creepy? He can be tasteless and crass. Whether or not you believe the claims of Mia Farrow’s daughter Dylan, who says Allen sexually abused her when she was a child, he still emerged from the scandal of marrying Farrow’s other daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, with his career intact. As he told the

Hollywood Reporter, “You can see I worked right through that, undiminish­ed. Made films all through those years and at the same rate I was making them. I’m good that way. I am very discipline­d and very monomaniac­al and compartmen­talised.” Time heals (most) wounds If there was one person who seemed like he would never be forgiven, it was Mel Gibson, who offended just about everyone at one point or another. First it was homophobic comments during an interview. Then there was his anti-Semitic tirade (“F***ing Jews . . . the Jews are responsibl­e for all the wars in the world”) after getting pulled over for drunken driving in 2006. (He also called a female officer by a vulgar, sexist nickname.) Then in 2010, he was also caught on tape threatenin­g his estranged wife and spewing racist gibberish. His talent agency dropped him — and so, it seemed, did most of Hollywood.

But he’s back, after serving time in Hollywood’s version of solitary confinemen­t (ie, taking a role in The Expendable­s 3). This year, he will unveil Hacksaw

Ridge, his first directoria­l effort since Apocalypto premiered just after his DUI arrest, and it’s getting major Oscar buzz.

It seems as if Winona Ryder — one of the few women on this list — is forging a similar path to redemption. She took time off after getting caught shopliftin­g but has slowly re-emerged with buzzy roles in films such as

Black Swan and, this year, Netflix hit Stranger Things. The type of slip-up matters Clearly, some crimes are more serious than others. Hugh Grant had a dalliance with a prostitute, but did that really hurt anyone? Arguably only his girlfriend at the time, Elizabeth Hurley. One cheeky interview on The To

night Show was more or less enough to absolve him. “I did a bad thing, and there you have it,” he said, as the audience cheered. That was easy.

And Tom Cruise’s wild-eyed antics and couch-jumping wasn’t criminal behaviour but it did startle people, forever saddling him with the label of loony cultist. Even so, it didn’t slow his box office success.

It’s obviously harder to forgive something like sexual assault — at least these days, as Parker’s flailing, failed apology circuit shows us.

As for Billy Bush, in that leaked video clip he came off as unctuous and pathetic, but he didn’t break any laws. And the things he said in private with Trump weren’t all that shocking to anyone familiar with Bush’s smug on-air personalit­y. Would anyone miss his obnoxious red carpet interviews if he went?

Maybe not, but people who refuse to fade from view are often rewarded. ( Just look at Anthony Weiner.) Bush may not be long for the Today show. But he could be one reality show away from being accepted again by an ever-forgiving public.

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 ?? Pictures / AP ?? Hugh Grant (left) and (at right) Nate Parker (top), Billy Bush (centre) and Winona Ryder have all transgress­ed in one way or another.
Pictures / AP Hugh Grant (left) and (at right) Nate Parker (top), Billy Bush (centre) and Winona Ryder have all transgress­ed in one way or another.

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