The New Zealand Herald

Real Housewives go out with a bang


If part of you thought you might be sad this show was over, the final episode either proved you very wrong or very, very right.

After a couple of weeks of frankly boring viewing (though to be fair how could they have followed up that boat episode?) Real Housewives of Auckland went out with a bang.

That is, insults, screaming, crying, swearing and Anne Batley-Burton chugging back the champers to alleviate her social discomfort.

This week was never going to go smoothly, after the “my book launch was better than yours” showdown from last week, but it still escalated faster and further than I expected.

It was Michelle’s birthday, so Julia and Angela went off shopping for a woman they don’t actually like.

They spotted a lovely hat box in an antique store and gave us the moment in which, finally, these to jump in — it wasn’t — and suddenly the whole thing escalated.

Long story short, Gilda and Julia finally went at it and Gilda was not pulling any punches, plus she clearly hadn’t let go of what happened on the boat that fateful episode.

She answered Julia’s cry of “why are you so anti against me?” with: “because you’re a f***ing idiot . . .”

Michelle got some lovely gifts from her fellow housewives and an offer of lunch from Louise who forgot to bring a gift, which set Angela off.

Finally she and Julia told Michelle Louise had called her a gold digger who would “bleed [her husband] dry” and all hell broke loose.

Soon enough, everyone was attacking everyone else.

In the end, nobody won. Because who really wins a mud-slinging match on reality TV — other than the producers?

 ??  ?? The final episode of Real Housewives of Auckland escalated faster and further than expected.
The final episode of Real Housewives of Auckland escalated faster and further than expected.

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