The New Zealand Herald

Shortage of staff puts squeeze on operations

Report reveals Waikato DHB’s efforts to save $43m while patients endure delays

- Natalie Akoorie

Waikato Hospital does not have enough doctors and nurses to run its operating theatres at full capacity, with six to nine elective surgeries being put off each week.

Because of the staff shortages the orthopaedi­c department was behind by 265 cases at the end of last September and its inpatient waiting list was reduced from 585 in January to 387 in November.

That meant patients who had been assessed for surgery were told they did not meet the criteria because the hospital could not cope with the work. In turn the number of people who qualified for surgery was lower.

At the same time that hospital managers were franticall­y trying to recruit specialist doctors, anaestheti­sts and orthopaedi­c nurses to address the shortfall which has constraine­d the theatres since March last year, they were looking at ways to cut expenses to meet a $43 million savings plan.

In a confidenti­al report to the Waikato District Health Board on November 23, released under the Official Informatio­n Act, managers said a range of initiative­s were needed to address the budget woes including reducing nursing levels.

DHB managers said costs were over budget despite lower than planned for patient volumes and delivery, for two main reasons: only $6.1m of the $43m had been saved, and an increase in full-time nurses.

Nurses were the biggest blowout to the budget at $3m while medical (doctors) were $1.1m.

The cost of nurses’ overtime for six months to December was $1.2m.

A range of initiative­s to remedy the situation included assessing nursing levels to “reduce where appropriat­e”, tightening up on nurses’ overtime and annual leave, and examining the criteria for implementi­ng watches — where a patient is monitored for an extended period.

DHB executive director of Waikato Hospital Services Brett Paradine said theatre recruitmen­t of nurses was specific whereas reducing nursing costs was spread across the entire hospital. He said nurses would not be forced to take annual leave unless they had more than two years’ worth with no plan to reduce it, but there was no option to cash out annual leave as chief executive Dr Nigel Murray did.

Paradine said the use of Safety Partners — watches for patients at risk of harm from dementia or delirium — was being made more efficient and the DHB was considerin­g using family members to watch instead.

The DHB said in the reports that it did not have a big enough budget to treat acute cases and deliver elective surgeries required by the Ministry of Health’s national targets, which could result in financial penalties.

There is a severe shortage that is camouflage­d by the failure of DHBs . . . to advertise needed positions. Ian Powell

Similar problems were occurring in other DHBs including Auckland, and Capital and Coast in Wellington, which was behind on 300 elective surgeries at the end of December.

The backlog was largely the result of a shortage of senior doctors, according to minutes of board meetings at the DHBs.

Associatio­n of Salaried Medical Specialist­s executive director Ian Powell said the situation was dire.

“There is a severe shortage that is camouflage­d by the failure of DHBs . . . to advertise needed positions and so there’s a difference between vacancies and actual shortages.”

He said DHBs were under financial pressure and relied on doctors doing longer hours to cover the shortages.

Health Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman said health funding for the 2016/17 financial year increased by $568m to a record $16.1 billion.

He reiterated that the Ministry of Health was working closely with Waikato DHB to address its problems in orthopaedi­cs.

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