The New Zealand Herald

Whoniverse gets updated Class

- — Ethan Sills

Back when the Doctor Who reboot was first announced in 2003, the British press reacted with snarky humour.

“Duckie Who: Time Lord gets gay show writer” was the headline the Sun went with, and the press had much fun speculatin­g which camp actors would step into the role.

Yet despite their apparent fears that the writer of Queer as Folk was going to gay-ify Doctor Who, not much changed in bringing the Time Lord into the 21st century.

Still facing mostly the same enemies, still a straight white man for the most part, still with mostly straight white companions. It hasn’t helped to keep the show as relevant it should be.

And that’s what makes Class so refreshing.

The school-set show is the latest spinoff in the Doctor Who world, and within the first 10 minutes it’s clear that it is much more of a 21st century show than the parent show could ever be.

Class is set at Coal Hill Academy, a mainstay in the Whoniverse since its very first episode. Being the centre of multiple alien invasions has put a strain on the Space-Time Continuum, and now more aliens are creeping into the school, leaving a group of sixth form students to defend Earth.

At the centre of this is Charlie, a gay alien prince who is the last of his kind, and is being hunted by one of the most violent villains yet, the Shadowkin. He is protected by reluctant slave Ms Quill, portrayed in a stand-out performanc­e by former Coro star Katherine Kelly. It’s not exactly family-friendly viewing in the same way Doctor Who is, but for anyone wanting something darker from the Whoniverse, Class is a fitting and enjoyable alternativ­e to the Time Lord’s adventures. It’s close enough in tone not to alienate anyone, but is mature enough to provide some juicier Friday night entertainm­ent.

And similar to Torchwood, diversifyi­ng Who gives the brand space to grow instead of killing it — and really, it’s about damn time. Class airs Fridays 9:30pm on Prime

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