The New Zealand Herald

Key’s Everest-like dream stranded at base camp


the Waitakeres. If the battle plans have not been abandoned now General Key has left the room, could I suggest a new battle front be created to take on the huge population­s of rats and other vermin that live in the towns and cities. As Chris Liddell, friend of President Trump, said at the time of the launch, the goal of complete eradicatio­n is achievable only if the whole country gets behind it. He was speaking as a director of his Next Foundation organisati­on, which invests in large-scale pest control. To me, how better to get behind such a campaign than to set a trap in your own back yard.

A few months back, when I was moaning about a rat in my ceiling, a reader said to shut up and get one of these new-fangled resetting traps that fire a gas-powered bolt into a procession of nosey rodents. Instead, I decided to be more methodical in the use of my old plastic tube model, where you thread a poison block onto a dangling wire and check regularly. Something came for a feed over Christmas, but since then business has been down. Not that I’m complainin­g. Living near a street of restaurant­s, I know what happens when you let your guard down.

It’s not a new problem. Grazing through the Papers Past website, up popped fishing industry supremo Albert Sanford in February 1907 with his recipe for ridding Auckland of “rats from Australia”. He proposed a fulltime rat-catcher be retained by both the Harbour Board and the City Council, “fully equipped with traps, ferrets, gun etc”. They should be paid enough to ensure “a living wage”. He said rats, as good scavengers, “have done very much good in preserving the health of man in Auckland” up until then but with the introducti­on of covered refuse bins, he feared they will be reduced to a starved weakened state, and vulnerable to plague, if a carrier rat arrives, thus putting Aucklander­s at risk.

Whatever transpired, rats have prospered.

As Liddell points out, success depends on having the whole country behind the campaign. At present, we urban folk are left to debate the merits of 1080 poison drops, while the battle is conducted on offshore islands or remote wilderness­es few of us get to see. We say oh dear, how sad, when we’re told the pests kill 25 million native birds a year. But the killing and the fightback is out of sight and generally, out of mind.

I say get everyone involved, and bring the fight to our doorsteps by opening new battlefron­ts in every town and city in the land.

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