The New Zealand Herald

Short & sweet


On 12 Questions

Your interview with Ranja Patel was inspiratio­nal. The world could learn from the family’s philosophy.

Val Hall, Whangapara­oa.

On columnist

Alan Duff’s latest column was full of advice for Gareth Morgan.

May I offer a quick word of advice for Mr Duff? He uses the term “Your columnist” in his piece.

Well, he’s not “my columnist” and it sounds pompous. As I’m sure he knows, Kiwis don’t like pompous. Richard Pearson, Remuera

On slogan

After our superb Anniversar­y Day weather, can there be any doubt that the appropriat­e slogan for Auckland is “City of Sails”?

It is, surely, for the people of Auckland to decide what they want their city called, not some stubborn bureaucrat­s who won’t admit they are wrong.

Maybe Phil Goff could make an executive decision and do it. Roger Hall, Takapuna.

On tweeting

Birds “twitter”. There is a reason why the term “bird brain” is not compliment­ary. I wonder what the verdict of future historians will be on this new way of brainwashi­ng the public?

Jeanette Grant, Mt Eden.

On immigratio­n

Donald Trump’s immigratio­n policies would be more tolerable if he increased aid to Syria’s poverty stricken neighbours who are burdened by millions of war refugees. A few billion donated to Unicef, the Internatio­nal Red Cross, and Save The Children would be a good start.

C.C. McDowall, Rotorua.

Audrey Young, Emmerson and Mossburn School, even, miss the logic that Donald Trump, Theresa May and Bill English grasp — you don’t let people in in 2017 from places you bombed in 2016 until their righteous anger has dissipated.

Brian John Evans, Mt Eden.

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