The New Zealand Herald

Mum’s visa ordeal hard to witness


I had to fly 10,000km to meet with my mother in Thailand during Chinese New Year. It was supposed to be a happy reunion, but I don’t recall how many times I cried when I saw my mother’s bruised hands. Six months ago my mother was in the process of renewing her visitor visa under the family category so she can spend a few months with her son each year. What we initially thought to be routine process turn into a never ending nightmare. She was questioned regarding her chronic hepatitis B issue despite the specialist report confirming she doesn’t require any treatment. Eventually she was denied a visitor visa.

In last few months I have exhausted all my resources writing letters to the Minster of Immigratio­n’s office, even the Prime Minister’s office. But not one takes an interest or gets a medical assessor to review her files again.

In the last few months my mother has gone back and forth between hospitals so many times, each time she has to provide a blood sample for further testing, and the result is consistent­ly the same. When I met her at the airport last week, she hid her bruised hands from me but when I saw her hands I couldn’t help thinking I have failed my mother as her only son.

I am back to New Zealand, but each night is sleepless. I am hoping someone will take an interest in my story, and hopefully get these Government officials to pay attention to their fellow citizen.

Chen Wang, Mt Eden.

Auckland’s plan

Justice was denied property owners when the Government did not tell the people they were not in agreement over the extent of land to be intensifie­d under the Auckland Unitary Plan. Landowners trusted that what was notified was the blueprint for the future.

The Government made a general submission but without informing the people of their vastly expanded intentions at the time of notificati­on at least, so affected persons were aware of the need to submit to have a voice over it later. The Government had a duty to inform the public in my opinion and I do not believe the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing. I consider the authoritie­s have abused the public and the process and stolen the future face of Auckland by failing to inform the people in a timely manner.

In my opinion the authoritie­s’ lack of proper timely disclosure was contrary to natural justice and the plan extension must be reheard. This is not a minor matter, 400,000 additional homes will have a huge impact on the look and functionin­g of the city.

Victoria Lowe, Howick.

Death knell

The High Court’s “green light” decision allowing Auckland’s Unitary Plan to go ahead and re-zone residentia­l properties into more intensive housing zones signals the death knell for thousands of Auckland’s heritage villas and bungalows. This was not an appeal case against intensific­ation, but against the loss of home-owners’ rights to appeal.

The justificat­ion that this “green light” will provide 400,000 new houses to solve Auckland’s housing crisis is a fiction. We are already seeing wealthy people buy up old houses and demolish them in order to build bigger houses that are not in character and that solve nothing of the housing crisis. These are not affordable houses for first-time buyers, yet neither the Government, the Auckland Council or Auckland developers are prepared to admit that the only way to achieve genuinely affordable housing is by fully funded state housing.

Building truly affordable houses would require developers to cut their profit margins, the likelihood of which is nil. It’s time the truth of this was acknowledg­ed before more fairy stories about solving the housing crisis by philanthro­pic developers keep preventing the developmen­t of real solutions.

M. Carol Scott, Birkenhead.

A note of thanks

As Director General of Conservati­on, I am humbled by the huge volunteer response to the recent whale stranding at Farewell Spit. I was impressed by the large numbers of volunteers who came from all walks of life in DoC’s time of need to help with the attempted whale rescue.

I want to say “thank you” to our whale rescue partners, Whale Rescue and Project Jonah. Daren Grover’s team did an outstandin­g job of co-ordinating the help that enabled DoC to focus on dealing with rapidly changing scenarios as events unfolded. I want to acknowledg­e our Treaty partners, Manawhenua ki Mohua, who worked alongside us in making rational decisions and provide cultural comfort in the face of so much emotion.

There were several commercial enterprise­s who contribute­d to the success of the effort. Farewell Spit Tours, for their transport, Fulton Hogan for their traffic management. Golden Bay Air and Adventure Air helped and Air New Zealand offered assistance. Even Interislan­der offered free passage across Cook Strait to those coming from the North Island specifical­ly for the stranding.

New Zealanders’ love of nature was on show and my gratitude, on behalf of my staff, goes out to all who volunteere­d in DoC’s time of need. Conservati­on is at the heart of people’s values. Lou Sanson, Director General of Conservati­on.

Gauche moment

A cringewort­hy moment shown on TV news. US President Trump, hosting Japanese Prime Minister Abe, exits his Florida home with his wife, while Abe and Abe’s wife walked behind. A brief photo shoot, Trump doesn’t look at Abe, then turns his back on Abe and re-enters his home with his wife, leaving Abe and his wife to follow. Then there was the prolonged handshake by Trump, failure to look him in the eyes as a sign of respect, and an extremely uncomforta­ble look on Abe’s face at the end. Trump obviously has no knowledge of Asian etiquette. Embarrassi­ng. L. Crawford, Albany.

Controllin­g the climate

Rachel Stewart implies the world should reduce emissions immediatel­y and this will minimise the variabilit­y in climate. This is patently nonsense with no scientific basis.

We agree that the dairy industry might do more towards preserving water quality but this has nothing to do with global warming or climate change. Further reducing emissions will have an impercepti­bly small effect on temperatur­e or climate, while costing trillions of dollars. The standard of living worldwide would be reduced significan­tly, with most of the effects felt by those already in poverty.

When will the general public understand the “control knob” for climate is not carbon dioxide, at only 0.04 per cent of the atmosphere. Water vapour at 1-3 per cent of the atmosphere is the main greenhouse gas, 25 to 70 times the concentrat­ion of CO .

Dr Jock Allison, Dunedin.

Housing politics

Why don’t we name what’s happening with housing. It’s not about houses, it’s about votes. Wealthier people tend to vote National.

Almost half of all properties are bought as investment­s. Those investors do not want people to be able to afford to buy their own homes. They want renters. That is the driving force behind National’s decisions on housing. They have no incentive to make houses affordable, nor any incentive to set up regulation­s to prevent rents from going sky high.

That’s why virtually nothing has been done to reduce the profitabil­ity of owning a rental property or to make it easy for people to buy their first home. People who want that to happen tend not to be National voters.

This government gives nearly $1.5 billion dollars a year to landlords. It’s called the Accommodat­ion Supplement and it passes through the tenant’s pocket straight into the pocket of the landlord. To compare, expenditur­e on the DPB in 2012/13 was $1.7b. This Government supports well off landlords to almost the same level as it does struggling sole parents.

There are about 40,000 empty houses in Auckland. It’s not about supply. It’s about going all out to please your voters.

Susan Grimsdell, Auckland Central.

Breasts please

What I want to get off my chest so to speak is comments made by Newstalk ZB morning host Rachel Smalley regarding the trend in America this year for women to surgically acquire smaller nipples, or breast enhancemen­t as it’s more properly called. It’s not Rachel’s comments per se that concern me, it’s her use, and the use by many others, of the word “boob”.

Breasts are not boobs. Boobs are embarrassi­ng mistakes or blunders and breasts are neither mistakes nor blunders, rather their design is both thoughtful and practical. Nor are they boobies. Boobies are tropical marine birds related to the gannet. Brian Turner, New Plymouth.

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