The New Zealand Herald

We're looking in the wrong queue

I can’t help wondering if immigratio­n has become a proxy for some of our most unseemly neuroses


If you don’t want to seem like a mean-spirited knob it is hard to have a conversati­on about immigratio­n where you say anything other than la-la-la more the merrier, c’mon over, the welcome mat’s out babes because you start sounding like a racist or a Brexiter or that toff in the Titanic lifeboat who pokes drowning people back into the icy water with his oar.

Maybe the reason there is an awkward who-just-farted aspect to talking about immigratio­n is because much as we’d rather not admit it, we all know getting born in New Zealand was just a spin of the genetic lottery wheel. It could just as well have been ‘welcome to Aleppo’. Acknowledg­ing the randomness of life means risking falling down the rabbithole of existentia­l angst: why does anything happen at all? What’s the point Bertie? Also, most of us are immigrants of one sort or another so it seems a bit daggy to pull the ladder up behind us. My family moved here when I was eight.

The upshot of this is we end up with an all-or-nothing narrative around immigratio­n in which there seem to be only two positions. Either dirty foreigners are to blame for our housing crisis, traffic crisis, education crisis and any other problem you’d like to name including the extinction of the dotterel. Oh, also, the crisis of needing a PhD if you have any hope of getting a job where you don’t have to smile and say “enjoy”. The other option: immigrants are our saviours and are bringing only wealth and skills and good dumplings. You can now get samosas at the dairy in Opononi!

I find myself feeling a bit squiffy in either camp. Maybe immigrants are neither the scourge nor the solution. Not such a sexy idea, I know.

But it is hard to ignore the glaring fact that we have been through a decades-long grand immigratio­n experiment. Our economy seems to function largely through the import of people. This notion, that immigratio­n is a valid instrument of growth, seems to have become so accepted that it doesn’t even get questioned much.

So when Immigratio­n Minister Michael Woodhouse said last week the new immigratio­n policies announced are about “attracting migrants who bring the most economic benefits to New Zealand” no one bats an eyelid. It is a given. We are just bringing in a better quality commodity. Ahem, these are human beings, not merely an apparatus to boost our GDP.

Our immigratio­n policy is supposed to lift productivi­ty and material living standards of New Zealanders. But does it even work?

It seems far from clear that our immigratio­n programme can be justified on economic grounds. Individual employers or sectors, such as tertiary education, cash in, sure. But some economists posit that immigrants are actually a netdrain on society in economic terms. In the short term, high inward migration exacerbate­s overall labour shortages in the economy because immigrants also stimulate demand — they buy things, they are consumers too, not just jobfillers. We seem to forget, they are people.

And we are expecting them to do something they can’t. Rapid population growth, without any other economic opportunit­ies, does not boost what is known as the “tradeables” sector which is really what counts. Successful­ly making it in global markets is the only reliable path for a small country to get and stay rich. But the relative size of our export sector is shrinking.

And some of the other reasoning to justify mass immigratio­n is a bit bogus. It is hard to question the diversity industry — superdiver­sity is just super! — without looking crass and ungracious. The CEO of one of our biggest law firms recently said diversity was his number one priority. (Hooray that dude, although I’d have thought it would be providing sound legal advice.) A report from consultant­s McKinsey found wonderful economic benefits from diversity. (Hmmm, McKinsey offers many “diversity” consulting products.) Diversity is laudable, but maybe not in and of itself a sound reason for wholesale immigratio­n. I can’t help wondering if the immigratio­n issue has become a proxy for some of our most unseemly and shameful neuroses. It is always tempting to project bad feelings on to the “other”, rather than looking to our own flaws. So immigrants are frequently held responsibl­e for the housing affordabil­ity crisis in Auckland. This despite a study by economists Bill Cochrane and Jacques Poot which found immigrants are more likely to rent property than buy it and that it was returning or remaining Kiwis that were driving up house prices.

Here is my comme ci comme c¸a conclusion; immigratio­n is not the cause of our economic woes. It may even be a nonissue.

We should be grateful we don’t have huddled masses of people arriving in sinking boats, we don’t have disaffecte­d cliques of extremists threatenin­g us, we don’t have huge crime problems caused by disaffecte­d immigrants.

But immigrants are not the solution, either. Immigrants are people, like my family, who are would-be citizens, who want to make a life for themselves, human beings, not economic levers.

My family came here in the 1970s pretty much with nothing much to our name except a green Ford Cortina stationwag­on named Georgie Girl and a good collection of Beatles records. Rather doubt we’d get in now.

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 ?? Picture / File ?? It seems far from clear that our immigratio­n programme can be justified on economic grounds.
Picture / File It seems far from clear that our immigratio­n programme can be justified on economic grounds.
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